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insānĭa , ae, f. insanus,
I.unsoundness of mind.
A. As a disease, madness, insanity, Cels. 3, 18, 2 sqq.—
II. Trop.
A. Madness, i. e. excess, extravagance in any thing: “villarum,Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 2, § 5: “libidinum,id. Sull. 25, 70: “ut appareret, quam ab sano initio res in hanc insaniam venerit, Liv 7, 2, 13: mensarum,Plin. 13, 15, 29, § 91.—
B. Of speech: “orationis,Cic. Brut. 82, 284.—
C. Poetic enthusiasm, rapture, inspiration: “auditis? an me ludit amabilis Insania?Hor. C. 3, 4, 6.
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