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PE´TEON (Πέτεων : Eth. Πετεώνιος), a town of Boeotia, mentioned by Homer (Hom. Il. 2.500), was situated near the road from Thebes to Anthedon. (Strab. ix. p.410.) Strabo contradicts himself in the course of the same page (l.c.), in one passage placing Peteon in the Thebais, and in another in the Haliartia. (Comp. Plut. Narr. Am. 4; Plin. Nat. 4.7. s. 12; Steph. B. sub voce The position of Peteon is uncertain. Leake supposes it may be represented by some ancient remains at the southern extremity of the lake Paralímni. (Northern Greece, vol. ii. p. 320.)

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