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ὅς, , (1), gen. ὅου (ὅο), Il. 2.325, Od. 1.70, ἕης, pl. dat. ᾗςιν): demonstrative and relative pronoun.—(1) dem., he, this, that; ὅς (as antecedent to ὅντινα), Il. 6.59 ; , Il. 12.344; and so both forms elsewhere.—(2) rel., who, that, which. The rel. pron. in Homer is either definite or conditional (see ἄν, κέν), and exhibits in the main the same peculiarities as regards position, agreement (attraction, assimilation), and syntactical construction as in prose. To express purpose it is not foll. by the fut. ind. as in Att., but by the subj. with or without κέ, or by a potential optative, Il. 3.287, Od. 15.311, Il. 1.64 .—, conj. like quod (ὅτι), that, Il. 18.197, Od. 4.206, etc.
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