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Deme'trius of BITHYNIA

*Dhmh/trios), of BITHYNIA, an epigrammatic poet, the author of two distiches on the cow of Myron, in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck, Anal. 2.65; Jacobs, 2.64.) It is not known whether he was the same person as the philosopher Demetrius of Bithynia, son of Diphilus, whom Diogenes Laertius mentions (5.84). Diogenes (5.85) also mentions an epic poet named Demetrius, three of whose verses he preserves; and also a Demetrius of Tarsus, a satyric poet [see above, No. 38], and another Demetrius, an iambic poet, whom he calls πικρός ἀνήρ. The epigrams of Demetrius are very indifferent.


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