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1. A native of Apamea in Bithynia, who was a follower of Herophilus, and therefore lived probably in the third or second century B. C. He is frequently quoted by Caelius Aurelianus, who has preserved the titles of some of his works, and some extracts from them. In some places he is called "Attaleus" (De Morb. Acut. 3.18, p. 249; De Morb. Chron. 2.2, p. 367), but this is only a mistake for " Apameus," as is proved by the same passage being quoted in one place (p. 249) from Demetrius Attaleus, and in another from Demetrius Apameus. (De Morb. Chron. 5.9, p. 581.) He is also several times quoted by Soranus. (De Arte Obstetr. pp. 99, 101, 102, 206, 210, 285.)

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