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1. Of Larissa in Thessaly, and one of the powerful family of the Aleuadae. Thorax and his brothers, wishing to confirm or to increase their power, were among those who urged Xerxes to invade Greece, and promised him their assistance in the enterprise. In the Persian king's retreat, after the battle of Salamis, Thorax formed one of his escort, after which he still continued to show his zeal in the cause of the invaders, and was present with Mardonius at the battle of Plataea, B. C. 479. When the Persians had been finally driven from Greece, Leotychides, king of Sparta, led an army into Thessaly to punish those who had sided with the barbarians, but the Aleuadae purchased his forbearance with bribes. (Hdt. 6.72, 7.6, 9.1, 58.) [LEOTYCHIDES, No. 2.]

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