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تَائِهٌ ذ Deviating from, or losing, or missing, the right way; losing his way; (Mgh; see also art. توه;) and so ↓ تَيْهَانٌ and [in an intensive sense, like مِتْيَهٌ,] ↓ تَيَّاهٌ : (K:) deviating from the right way and magnifying himself or behaving proudly or haughtily or insolently: or deviating from the right way and being confounded or perplexed, unable to see his right course. (TA.) ― -b2- (tropical:) Deviating from the right way in opinion: (Mgh:) desiring a thing and unable to find the right way. (Msb.) ― -b3- Magnifying himself; or behaving proudly, haughtily, or insolently: affecting to be commended for or praised for, or glorying in, that which he does not possess; or overpassing the due bounds in elegance of mind or manners &c.: [see 1, last sentence but one: it is best rendered behaving proudly, or conceitedly, or vainly:] and in like manner ↓ تَيَّاهٌ ; (K;) but this has an intensive signification; [meaning, like مِتْيَهٌ, very proud or conceited or vain;] (TA;) and ↓ تَيْهَانٌ and ↓ تَيَّهَانٌ and ↓ تَيِّهَانٌ : (K:) or only تَائِهٌ and تَيَّاهٌ, accord. to IDrd. (TA.)

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