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تُرٌّ رأى تر ورى The string, or line, which is extended upon, or against, a building, (As, S, M,) and according to which one builds, called in Arabic the إِِمَام; (As, M;) the string, or line, by which a building is proportioned: (As, T, M, K:) a Persian word, (T, M,) arabicized; (M;) not Arabic: (IAar:) it is called in Arabic the مِطْمَر. (As, T.) A man, when angry, says to another, لَأُقِيمَنَّكَ عَلَى التُرِّ (tropical:) [I will assuredly make thee to conform to the rule of right behaviour]. (Lth, T, S, A.) -A2- I. q. أَصْلٌ: (IAar, T, K:) so in the saying, لَأَضْطَرَّنَّكَ إِِلَى تُرِّكَ وَ قُحَاحِكَ [I will assuredly impel thee, or drive thee, against thy will, to the utmost point to which thou canst go, or be brought or reduced: or constrain thee to do thine utmost]: (IAar, T, and L in art. قح: see قُحَاحٌ:) [accord. to ISd,] لَأَضْطَرَّنَّكَ إِِلَى تُرِّكَ means إِِلَى مَجْهُودِكَ [i. e. I will assuredly make thee to have recourse to thine utmost effort, or endeavour]. (M. [In the K, the signification of المَجْهُودُ is erroneously assigned to ↓ التَّرُّ . See also the saying لَأُلْجِئَنَّكَ إِِلَى قُرِّ قَرَارِكَ explained voce قَرَارٌ.]) تُرَّي An arm, or a hand, cut off. (K.)

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