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بِرْطِيلٌ برطيل A long stone: pl. بَرَاطِيلٌ: (S:) or a broad stone: (TA in art. برم:) or a stone (Seer, A, K) of an oblong form (A, TA) a cubit in length, (Seer, TA,) or an iron, long, broad, and hard by nature, (K,) not such as is made long, or sharpened or made sharp-pointed, by men, (TA,) with which the millstone is pecked (تُنْقَرُ [i. e., wrought into shape, and roughened in its surface, by pecking]): so says Lth: (TA:) to this is sometimes likened the muzzle, or fore part of the nose and mouth, of a she-camel of high breed: (Lth, TA:) [and hence,] it signifies also (assumed tropical:) the muzzle, or fore part of the nose and mouth, of an old bear: (TA:) some say that the dual signifies two elongated stones, of the hardest kind, slender, and sharp-pointed, with which the millstone is pecked (تُنْقَرُ [explained above]). (TA.) Also, (K,) accord. to Sh, (TA,) A pickaxe, or stonecutter's pick; syn. مِعْوَلٌ: (Sh, Msb, K:) pl. as above: accord. to IAar, what is called in Persian اسكنه [app. a mistranscription, or a dial. var., of إِِسْكَنك]. (TA.) -A2- A bribe; syn. رِشْوَةٌ: (Msb, K:) app. mentioned in the K as an Arabic word; and if so, the pronunciation with fet-h to the ب is a vulgarism, since there is no such measure as فَعْلِيلٌ: Abu-l-'Alà El-Ma'arree says that it is not known in this sense in the [classical] language of the Arabs; and it seems as though it were taken from the same word signifying “an oblong stone;” as though the bribe were likened to a stone that is thrown: (TA:) or it seems as though it were taken from the same word signifying a مِعْوَل; because therewith a thing is got out; (Msb;) and so El-Munáwee asserts it to be: (TA:) pl. as above. (Msb, K.) Hence the phrase, أَلْقَمَهُ البِرْطِيلَ [He tipt him the bribe; conveyed it to him in like manner as one puts a morsel into another's mouth; somewhat like our phrase he greased his fist]. (TA.) And the saying, البَرَاطِيلُ تَنْصُرُ الأَبَاطِيلِ [Bribes render victorious false allegations]: (Msb, TA:) a prov. (Msb.)

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