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بُلْبُلٌ بلبل [The nightingale: and a certain melodious bird resembling the nightingale: both, in the present day, vulgarly called بِلْبِل:] the عَنْدَلِيب [q. v.]: and the كُعَيْت [q. v.]: (T:) a certain bird, (S, M, K,) well known, (K,) of beautiful voice, that frequents the Haram [or Sacred Territory of Mekkeh], and is called by the people of El-Hijáz the نُغَر [q. v.]. (M.) ― -b2- A man light, or active: (S:) or clever, well-mannered, or elegant, and light, or active: (T:) or a man (M) light, or active, in journeying, and very helpful; (M, K;) and so ↓ بُلَابِلٌ , (M,) or ↓ بُلْبُلِىُّ : (K:) or, accord. to Th, a boy light, or active, in journeying: (M:) and a man light, or active in that which he sets about; (TA;) as also ↓ بُلَابِلٌ ; (K;) or this last signifies a man active in intellect, to whom nothing is unapparent: (T:) pl. of the first, (S,) and of the last, (K,) بَلَابِلُ. (S, K.) -A2- A certain fish, of the size of the hand. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) -A3- The spout (قَنَاة) of a mug (كُوز), that pours forth the water. (M, K.)

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