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Richmond Markets, may 8, 1862.

Bread — Navy, 4 cents; Pilot, 5 cents; Butter and Soda, 8 cents per lb.

Bacon — Stock light and firm at 87½ for hog round; Hams, 38 to 40 cents per lb.

Butter--No. 3 Butter 75 to 800.

Corn — We quote 85 cents per bushel.

Corn Meal--$1a1.05 per bushed.

Coffee — Rio, 70 cents per lb.; supply nearly exhausted.

Candles — Adamantine, 75a80 cents; Tallow, 25 cents.

Cement — James River, $2.50a3.00 per bbl.

Cotton--9¼a10 cents per lb.

Cotton Yarns--None. Candlewick, 50 cents per lb.

Dried Fruit--Peaches, unpeeled, from $2.25 to 2.50; Pealed, $5.00a5.50; Apples, $1.50a$1.75 per bushel.

Forage — Timothy, $2.00; Clover, $1.80; Sheaf Oats, $1.80; Shucks, 1.25 per cwt.

Fertilizers — James River Manipulation guano, $60 per ton; stock small and rapidly reducing. Mexican guano, $25; Sombrero, $35; Bone Ash, $40. Little or nothing doing in Fertilizers.

Feathers — Quiet, at 37½a40 cents per lb

Flaxseed — Nominal; $1.50.

Flour — We quote Superfine at $7.50 to $7.75; Extra $8.05; Family $9 to $10.

Hides — Green, 7½ cts; salted, 9a11½ cts; dry, 12a15 cents.

iron--English refined and American, but a small supply, which is sold in limited quantities at 8 cents per lb., Swedes, none in market.

Leather — Sole, 80a85 cts. per lb.; Upper $1 per lb.; Harness 85 cts. a$1; Rough Skirting 55a65 cts.; Calf Skins $48a55 per dozen.-- Stock of all kinds very light.

Lard — 25a28 cents.

Lime — Mountain unstacked, $2.00 to $3 per bbl.; according to quantity.

Molasses — New Orleans, $1.30 to 1.40 cts.

Nails — Old Dominion, 10a11 cents.

Offal (mill)--Bran, 30 cents; shorts, 35 cents. Brownstuffs, 40 cents; shipstuffs, 70 cents.

Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50a$2 per gallon.

Oats — We quote 80 cents per bushel.

Rye--$1.50a$2.00 per bushel.

Seed — Clover Seed, $12a$14--latter by retail; Timothy, $5½a$6½.

Soda — Best English, 40 cents per lb.

Sugars — Brown, 24a26 cents per lb.; coffee, 27a28 cents. All qualities firm.

Salt — Some sales of North Carolina Salt at $11 per sack of 100 lbs.

Tallow — 15a16 cents per lb.

Wheat — Red $1 10al. 20; white $1.15a1.25, and dull. Few buyers at these prices.

Wool — Market firm, and arrivals light 20 a 95 cents per pound.

Money matters.

Specie — We quote gold at 90 to 100 per cent. premium; stiver at 70 to 75 per cent. premium.

Bank notes — Nearly all Southern Bank notes are taken on deposit by our Banks.--We note the following as rejected for the want of arrangement to make them current at Bank:

Georgia--City Bank, Augusta; Mechanics' Bank, do; Bank of Augusta; Augusta Insurance and Banking Company; all 1 per cent. discount; and Bank of the Empire State, Rome, Ga., and Northwestern Bank, Ringgold, Ga., 2 per cent. discount.

North Carolina--Bank of Lexington; Bank of Clarendon; Bank of Commerce, Newbern, Bank of Fayetteville, and Bank of Washington, all 1 per cent. discount.

Sales of Stocks in Richmond

--Reported by John A Lancaster & Son, for the week ending May 8 1862.

Confederate States Bonds — sales at $98½.

Confederate States bonds--$100,000,000 issue — sales 95.

Tennessee State bonds--(interest suspended,) sales, 100.

Virginia 6 per cent. Registered Bonds, sales at 100.

North Carolina State bonds — held at 110.

Richmond City bonds — last sales 105 and int.

Petersburg City Bonds — last sales 92.

Exchange Bank stock — sales 97½.

Farmers' Bank stock — sales, 96.

Bank of Virginia stock — sales 67½.

Bank of the Commonwealth stock--sales 90.

Old Dominion Insurance Stock — sales, 20.

Insurance Company of the State of Virginia--sales 24.

Virginia Life Insurance Company Stock — last sales, $1.15.

Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance--32½

Richmond Fire Association Stock — sales 27.

Merchants' Insurance stock — no recent sales.

Va. Central R. R., 1st mortgage bonds — no recent sales.

Va. Central R. R. 2d mortgage bonds--80.

O. and A. R. R. 6 per cent. bonds — no recent sales.

O. and A. R. R. 8 per cent. bonds — last sales 85.

South Side R. R. bonds — no recent sales.

Richmond, Fredericksburg and P. Railroad stock — last sales 60.

Va. Central Railroad stock — sales 49½.

Richmond and Petersburg Railroad stock — sales 77½.

Richmond and Danville Railroad stock--75.

James River and Kanawha stock — no recent sales.

Richmond and York River R. R. bonds--82½ and int.

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