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Euthy'mius Zigabe'nus

a Greek monk of the convent of the Virgin Mary at Constantinople, lived about the beginning of the 12th century of our era, at the time of the emperor Alexius Comnenus, with whom he was connected by intimate friendship.

In A. D. 1118, when the emperor died, Euthymius was still alive; and he himself says that he twice heard the emperor dispute against the enemies of the Greek church--that is, probably against the Latins. Respecting his life, see especially Anna Comnena (lib. xv.) and L. Allatius. (De Cosens. utr. Eccles. 2.10. 5.)


Euthymius was the author of several works, all of which are still extant in numerous MSS., but the following only have been printed:

1. Πανοπλία δογματικὴ τῆς ὀρθοδόξου πίστεως

directed against heretics of every class, was written by the command of Alexius Comnenus. It is divided into 28 titles, and its substance is taken chiefly from the early ecclesiastical fathers.


Latin Translations

A Latin translation of it was published by P. F. Zinus, Venice, 1555, fol., reprinted at Lyons, 1556, 8vo., and at Paris, 1560, 8vo.

Greek Translations

The Greek original has not yet been published, except the last title, which is contained in Sylburg's Saracenica, pp. 1-54.

2. On the Messaliani

Victory and Triumph over the impious, manifold, and execrable sect of the Messaliani, &c., together with fourteen anathemata pronounced against them.


It was edited in Greek, with a Latin version and notes, by J. Tollius, in his Iter Italicum, Traject. ad Rhen. 1696, 4to., pp. 106-125.

3. A Commentary on all the Psalms of David, and on the ten Cantica.


The Greek original has not yet been printed; but a Latin translation by Philip Saulus first appeared at Verona, 1560, fol., and has often been reprinted.

4. A commentary on the four Gospels.

This is a compilation from St. Chrysostom and others of the early fathers.

The work is considered one of great value, both in style and matter, and has often been made great use of by modern divines.


Latin Edition

The Greek original has never been printed, but there is a very good Latin translation by J. Hentenius, Louvain, 1544, fol., reprinted at Paris, 1547, 1560, and 1602, 8vo.

Further Information

Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 328, &c.; Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 646, &c.

Other persons named Euthymus

There are a great many other persons of the name of Euthymus, respecting whom see Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 345, &c.


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1118 AD (1)
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