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1. Of Sicyon, a statuary in bronze and marble, is placed by Pliny at Ol. 10, B. C. 300. (34.8. s. 19.) He was a disciple of Lysippus. (Paus. 6.2.4.) He made in bronze a statue of the river Eurotas, " in quo artem ipso amne liquidiorem plurimi dixere" (Plin. l.c. § 16), one of the Olympic victor Timosthenes, of Elis, and a highly-prized statue of Fortune for the Syrians on the Orontes. (Paus. l.c.) There is a copy of the last-named work in the Vatican Museum. (Visconti, Mus. Pio.-Clem. t. iii. tab. 46.) His statue of Father Liber, in the collection of Asinius Pollio, was of marble. (Plin. Nat. 36.5. s. 4.10.) A statue of Priapus is mentioned in the Greek Anthology (Brunck, Anal. ii. p. 311; Jacobs, iii. p. 24, No. xiv.) as the work of Eutychides, but it is not known whether Eutychides of Sicyon is meant. Cantharus of Sicyon was the pupil of Eutychides. [CANTHARUS.]

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