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[42] Again, in public affairs he held to the same opinion: for, seeing that those persons who look best after realities are least worried, and that the true freedom from anxiety is to be found, not in inactivity, but in success and patient endurance, he left nothing unexamined: on the contrary, so thoroughly was he cognizant of public affairs and so thorough was his knowledge of each of the citizens, that neither those who conspired against him took him unawares, nor did the good citizens remain unknown to him, but all got their deserts: for he neither punished nor honored them on the basis of what he heard from others, but from his own knowledge he judged them.

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  • Commentary references to this page (5):
    • Edward S. Forster, Isocrates Cyprian Orations, 30
    • Edward S. Forster, Isocrates Cyprian Orations, 16
    • Edward S. Forster, Isocrates Cyprian Orations, 22
    • Edward S. Forster, Isocrates Cyprian Orations, 41
    • Edward S. Forster, Isocrates Cyprian Orations, 51
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (4):
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