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PITANE (Candarli) Turkey.

Aiolian city on a small peninsula NE of Phokaia, near the mouth of the Kaikos (Hdt. 1.149; Strab. 13.614; Ov., Met. 7.357). It was not important in history, but it is the only Aiolian site in Anatolia to produce valuable archaeological material. Excavations in the 19th c. at the necropolis on the isthmus of the peninsula yielded a Mycenaean stirrup vase and Greek archaic pottery now in the Istanbul Museum, and the town itself has produced much terra sigillata.

Recent excavations in the archaic necropolis yielded mainly vases of ca. 625-500 B.C., but also some Geometric and Protogeometric pottery, fine specimens of Chian pottery, and a large number of orientalizing vases from the first half of the 6th c. (Istanbul Museum and Izmir Museum). An archaic statue discovered accidentally is now in the museum at Bergama.


S. Reinach, Chroniques d'Orient (1896) 9f = RA (1883:1) 363f; G. Perrot & C. Chipiez, Histoire de l'art (1882-1911) VI, 923f; S. Loeschke, AM 27 (1912) 344ff (terra sigillata); K. Schuchhardt, Altertümer von Pergamon I, 1 (1912) 998M; H. T. Bossert, Altanatolien (1942) fig. 7 (Mycenaean vase); J. Keil, RE XX: 2, 18; L. Robert, Villes anatoliennes 172, 6; E. Akurgal, AJA 66 (1962) 378fI.


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