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رُمَّةٌ ذ The remains of a rope after it has become ragged, or dissundered: (T:) or a piece of a rope (S, M, Msb, K) that is old and worn out or rotten; (S;) as also ↓ رِمَّةٌ : (M, K:) pl. [of mult.] رُمَمٌ (T, S,) or رِمَمٌ (M, K,) and رِمَامٌ (S, M, K) and [of pauc.] أَرْمَامٌ: (M, K:) and they said also حَبْلٌ أَرْمَامٌ and رِمَمٌ [or رُمَمٌ] and رِمَامٌ; (M, K;) [like حَبْلٌ أَرْمَاثٌ and ثَوْبٌ أَخْلَاقٌ &c.;] thus using the pl. as though every part [of the rope] were termed a single thing. (M.) ― -b2- Hence the saying, أَعْطَيْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) I gave him the thing altogether: (T:) or دَفَعَ إِِلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He gave him the thing altogether: (S:) or أَخَذَهُ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He took it altogether: (M; and the like is said in the Msb:) and أَتَيْتُكَ بِالشَّىْءِ بِرُمّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) I brought thee, or have brought thee, the thing altogether: (M:) or أَعْطَاهُ بِرُمَّتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He gave it altogether: (K:) originally meaning the rope that is put upon the neck of the camel: (T:) [i. e.] originating from the fact that a man gave to another a camel with a rope upon his neck: (S, K:) or from the fact that a man sold a camel with a rope upon his neck; and it was said, Give him with his رُمَّة: (Msb:) or, as some say, from the bringing a captive bound with his رُمَّة; but this is not a valid assertion. (M.) In all the copies of the K, الرُّمَّةُ is also expl. as syn. with الجَبْهَةُ; but [SM says,] I have not found it in the originals from which it is derived; and may-be the right reading is الجُمْلَةُ. (TA.) 'Alee said, dispraising the present world, أَسْبَابُهَا رِمَامٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) [Its ties (lit. ropes) are] old and worn out or rotten. (TA.) ― -b3- ↓ أَرْمَامٌ [perhaps as pl. of رُمَّةٌ] also signifies (assumed tropical:) The last remains of herbage. (M, TA.)

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