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2 رنّحهُ ذ , [inf. n. as below,] said of wine (شَرَاب), It made him to incline from side to side. (A, TA.) [Also, as appears from what follows, It made him to incline and go round. It made him giddy in the head, and confused: it affected him with giddiness in the head like one in a swoon.] It deprived him of his strength by reason of its potency. (Ham p. 562.) [And, said of a beating, and app. of intoxication &c., It made him to swoon, or faint: for,] when you have beaten a person so that he swoons, or faints, you say, ضَرَبْتُهُ حَتَّى رَنَّحْتُهُ. (Ham ibid.) [Hence, رُنِّحَ He was made to incline from side to side: رَنَّحَ is expl. in the TA in a similar sense, as said of a man &c.; but it is app. a mistranscription for رُنِّحَ]: see 5. He was made to incline and go round. (L.) It is said, by Imra-el-Keys, of a dog gored by a wild bull. (S, * L.) He was giddy in the head, and confused: and رُنِّحَ بِهِ he was affected with giddiness in the head like one in a swoon. (L.) Also, (L,) and رُنِّحَ عَلَيْهِ inf. n. تَرْنِيحٌ, (S, L, K,) He swooned, or fainted; or was affected by a weakness of the bones, (S, L, K,) and of the body; by reason of beating or fright or intoxication, and sometimes by reason of anxiety, and grief, or sorrow; (L;) and inclined from side to side. (S, L, K.) ― -b2- رَنَّحَتِ الرِّيحُ الغُصْنَ (tropical:) The wind made the branch to incline from side to side. (A.)

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