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No. 132. reports of Col. Henry R. Mizner, Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, of operations June 4-September 5.

camp Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, Jonesborough, Ga., September 5, 1864.
Captain: In compliance with orders, I have to report the participation of the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry in the campaign up to the 24th of August:

My regiment joined its brigade on the 4th of June, having been detained at Bridgeport, Tenn., twelve days, by order of Major-General Rousseau, of which General Rousseau assured me he would telegraph Brigadier-General Whipple, assistant adjutant-general and chief of staff, Department of the Cumberland. General Whipple soon after my arrival, stated to me that my explanation and action were entirely satisfactory. My regiment has continued with the brigade in its usual routine of duty. On the 13th of June, my regiment having the advance, was in part deployed as skirmishers, near the Marietta road, where I had 2 men wounded. On the 17th of June on skirmish line, near same point, 2 men were wounded. On the 23d of June, in demonstration at Kenesaw Mountain, 2 men were killed and 2 wounded. On the 5th of July my regiment was deployed as skirmishers, and ordered to drive the enemy from their line of rifle-pits north of the Chattahoochee River. This we accomplished, driving the enemy to their main works. My loss was 6 men killed, 1 commissioned officer and 16 men wounded. On the 6th of July, in attempting to force the right of my line, my loss was 1 man killed, 14 wounded. On the 5th of August my bugler was killed on the march. On the 7th of August my regiment was again [676] on the skirmish line, advancing nearly a mile, with a loss of 7 men killed, 32 wounded, capturing 2 officers and 34 men. On the 8th First Lieutenant Kirk was killed in camp. My total killed and wounded for the period named, June 4 to August 24, is 17 men killed, 1 officer killed, 1 officer wounded, and 89 men wounded.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Henry R. Mizner, Colonel Fourteenth Michigan Infantry. Capt. T. Wiseman
, Assistant Adjutant-General.

camp Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, Jonesborough, Ga., September 5, 1864.
sir: In compliance with orders, I have to report the participation of the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry in the campaign from August 24 to date:

On the 1st of September my regiment advanced with its brigade, assaulted and carried the enemy's works, capturing Brigadier-General Govan, who surrendered his command to First Sergt. Patrick Irwin, of my regiment. I know that my regiment was the first to enter the enemy's works and capture 8 pieces of artillery, with caissons, and the battle-flag of the First Arkansas, but have observed so much feeling, and so many conflicting claims, that I do not desire to press the subject, for I certainly have no wish to detract from any regiment, but feel that the entire brigade and division did nobly. My loss was 2 men killed, 3 officers and 25 men wounded. We captured also 4 mules, 3 single harness, and many small-arms, which have been duly turned over.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Henry R. Mizner, Colonel Fourteenth Michigan Infantry. Lieut. John P. Hollers
, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

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