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No. 171. report of Capt. Otho H. Morgan, Seventh Indiana Battery.

headquarters Seventh Indiana Battery, Jonesborough, Ga., September 6, 1864.
Major: I have the honor to transmit you the following report of the operations of the Seventh Indiana Battery in this campaign:

At 8 o'clock on the morning of May 6, 1864, the battery moved out from Ringgold, Ga., with the Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, on the Dalton road, and early in the afternoon camped near Tunnel Hill. From the 7th to 12th nothing of note occurred except a few changes of camp. May 12, moved to the right, and passing through Snake Creek Gap, camped after a march of twenty miles. May 14, in obedience to your orders, four guns were placed on the [831] line in front of the regular brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. Two guns had an enfilading fire on the enemy, to the left, and one section aided in silencing two guns in front. Lieutenant Pound and section was sent per order of Captain Estep, division chief artillery, half a mile to the left, and took position on a commanding ridge, directing his fire mainly at a rebel battery in his front. During the night of the 14th the enemy was heard erecting works, but, expecting orders to change position, no preparations were made for defense until just before daylight. No orders coming, I moved Lieutenant Repp's section 400 yards to the left, and placed Lieutenant Fislar's section behind a little crest, and employed what little time we had before day in putting up a protection to shield the gunners. It was found almost impossible to work the guns on account of the nearness to the enemy's sharpshooters, but a random fire was kept up until we were relieved. Late in the forenoon Captain Estep ordered me to withdraw, which was done as speedily as possible. For seventy-five yards Lieutenant Fislar's section was exposed to a flank fire of musketry, but the move was so unexpected that most of the men were under cover before the heaviest fire was opened. Sergeant Hoffman was severely wounded, and 2 horses shot in this operation. Lieutenants Repp and Pound came out with their sections and the battery moved with the division several miles to the right, and one section relieved two guns of some Iowa battery, and fired several shots at the rebel works, but elicited no reply. On the 16th marched and crossed the Coosa River at Resaca at midnight, and parked for the men to breakfast while the division was coming up; passed through Calhoun and camped for the night three miles south. On the 19th camped near Cassville, where we remained until the 23d, when we took up the route of march, fording the Etowah at Island Ford, and after ten miles' march, camped on Island Creek; two days passed without a move. Marched to Burnt Hickory Valley on the 26th. At noon on the 28th moved four miles to the front, returning the next day to Burnt Hickory. June 1, reporting Lieutenant Repp's section to General Turchin, who remained as train guard, marched ten miles to the front. June 3, advanced the battery to the line of Colonel Este's brigade, and during this and the succeeding day kept up a desultory fire on the rebel skirmishers, driving them from houses, and in conjunction with the Nineteenth Indiana Battery repelled several attempted advances of the enemy. Marched on the 6th and camped near Acworth. Rested three days and moved on the 10th, and finding the enemy on Pine Mountain one section was put in position per order of General Baird, and during this and the following day shelled the mountain. June 11, withdrew from this position and remained quiet until the 15th, when we advanced several miles, and that night built works on our division line and put the battery in position. Early in the morning of the 16th General Palmer ordered the woods and valley in my front to be shelled, and on the afternoon of that day General Thomas sent orders to open a vigorous fire on a nest of sharpshooters that prevented an advance, which was accordingly done; during the night of the 16th threw up an advanced work, and the next day occupying it, assisted our troops to advance by dislodging their skirmishers. Late in the afternoon of the 18th I got two guns into position on the right of Battery I, First Ohio Artillery, and opened fire on a rebel fort 1,300 yards distant, which was feebly replied to. Moved forward on the [832] 19th, and in the afternoon took position in front of Kenesaw Mountain, by order of General Palmer. The side of the mountain occupied by sharpshooters was shelled, and late in the day I directed the fire on a battery off to our right. During the next two days fired occasional shots, and in the afternoon of the 23d moved into position on the line occupied by the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, in front of Little Kenesaw Mountain. I immediately commenced strengthening the works, and while so occupied was much annoyed by an enfilade fire from a rebel battery. Early in the forenoon of the next day the enemy's batteries on the mountain and along the line concentrated a terrific fire on the batteries in front of the Third Division, and for an hour the cannonade was very heavy. My bugler, Asa D. Broody, was here severely wounded in the head by a piece of shell, and Privates Gibbens and Boyd slightly hurt by bullets. Our division was relieved on the night of the 25th by the Fifteenth Corps, and on the morning of the 26th General McPherson directed me to open a heavy fire on the batteries in range previous to a charge his corps would make at 8 o'clock. His order was obeyed until the advance of his line made it unsafe to fire. Remained in this position, firing more or less every day, until I was relieved on the night of July 1, by one of General Osterhaus' batteries, when I reported back to my division and was put in position at daylight by Captain Estep. Exchanged a number of shots during the day with the enemy. Marched on the 3d and camped two miles south of Marietta. July 5, moved again, and toward noon General Baird ordered my battery up the mountain overlooking Vining's Station, and here we shelled the rear guard of the enemy just crossing the Chattahoochee. Before dark withdrew and went into camp, where we remained four days. Built works on the night of the 9th, but the enemy evacuating, moved into position commanding the ford. July 18, crossed the Chattahoochee and camped four miles south. Moved at 7 o'clock on the morning of the 19th, and after two miles' march found the enemy posted just across Peach Tree Creek. In accordance with your order, took position on a ridge near the skirmish line, and kept up a fire until dark. Private Ramp was very severely wounded by a musketball. Marched July 22 and took position within two miles of Atlanta, where we remained twelve days. Fired at intervals during this period, directing most of our shots at the city and the rebel works in front. August 4, moved three miles to the right, and, by your order, took position in front of General Baird's division, from which point we did not open until the 6th. Made several demonstrations at times by order of General Baird. Sergeant Kitzmiller, Corpl. McPheeters, and Privates Watson and Mann were wounded in this position on the 7th, 2 of them by shells and 2 by musketry. Remained here until the night of the 26th, when we withdrew under the fire of the rebel batteries, and marched several miles to the right. From the 27th to the evening of the 30th short marches were made, and nothing of interest occurred. On the morning of the 31st moved out to the line with Colonel Walker's brigade, Third Division, and threw a number of shells at a large rebel wagon train, which soon changed its course, and passed out of view. September 1, moved forward with General Baird's division, and, nearing the battle-field, was halted by Major Lowrie, assistant adjutant-general, Third Division, and held ourselves in readiness to move until after [833] dark, when we went into camp for the night, by order of Major Lowrie. September 2, moved into Jonesborough, where we are now located.

I take pleasure in according to the officers and men of my command much credit for their excellent conduct during this arduous and memorable campaign.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

O. H. Morgan, Captain, Commanding Seventh Indiana Battery. Maj. Charles Houghtaling, Chief of Artillery, Fourteenth Army Corps.

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