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No. 21. report of Maj. George Hicks, Ninety-sixth Illinois Infantry, of operations June 21-September 8.

Hdqrs. Ninety-Sixth Regt. Illinois Vol. Infty., Atlanta, Ga., September 12, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment since the 21st day of June, 1864, on which day I assumed command of the regiment:

On the afternoon of the 21st the regiment acted in conjunction with the First Brigade in assaulting the rebel position on our immediate right, and succeeded in dislodging the enemy, with a loss to our regiment of 10 men killed and wounded. On the night of the 22d we were relieved, and were sent to the right, where we in turn relieved a portion of Hooker's corps. On the 23d we advanced our line, driving the enemy, with some loss, and gained an important position, which we intrenched and held. The regiment was not [254] again actively engaged with the enemy until after crossing the Chattahoochee, though under fire nearly every day until we reached the river. July 18, we bivouacked at Buck Head and moved forward the next day toward Atlanta, encountering the enemy's skirmishers at night. On the 20th we again advanced, and after crossing Peach Tree Creek formed in line of battle. This regiment was held in support of the Twenty-first Kentucky, which was deployed as skirmishers. When in the afternoon a vigorous assault was made upon the skirmish line, and the right of the Twenty-third Corps, which connected with us, gave way, this regiment was moved up to re-enforce the skirmish line, and there fortified. Our loss was but slight. On the 22d of July we advanced to within two miles of Atlanta and intrenched our position.

We held position in front of Atlanta, without being engaged in battle as a regiment, until August 19. On the afternoon of that day the regiment was ordered to re-enforce the picket-line, and advance with it against the enemy. At the given signal the regiment advanced, and proceeded to within from fifty to seventy-five yards of the rebel pits, briskly engaging the enemy. Finding that other portions of the line had not advanced, and that I was without support on either flank, I withdrew the regiment from its advanced position. Our loss was 2 killed and 8 wounded. At night of August 25 our works were abandoned, and we moved to the right, continuing the movement on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, until we reached Red Oak. On the 29th the regiment moved with the brigade toward East Point, to protect troops who were destroying the West Point railroad. On the 30th we again moved to the right. On the 31st we were advancing upon the Macon road, when the enemy was encountered, and line of battle was formed, but the enemy fled without engaging us. That night we fortified our line near the Macon road, south of Rough and Ready. September 1, the regiment was detailed as guard for the ammunition train of the division, and was not engaged in the battle of Jonesborough. September 2, in advancing toward Lovejoy's, the regiment occupied the skirmish line in front of the brigade. We drove the rebels more than a mile, back into their well-constructed rifle-pits, when our advance was temporarily checked. Afterward, as troops moved with loud cheers to our support, our skirmishers again advanced and took possession of the rebel riflepits, from which the enemy hastily retreated. We lost in this skirmish 2 killed and 4 wounded. On the 5th of September we withdrew from Lovejoy's, and entered Atlanta on the 8th instant.

I desire to acknowledge the uniform gallantry and soldier-like behavior of the officers and men of this regiment while under my command. Not once did they flinch from the enemy, nor fail to advance as far and as fast as they were ordered. To all of them I feel indebted for their cheerful and prompt obedience of every order. While all are deserving of praise I have had occasion to make particular note of the gallant conduct of Capt. John K. Pollock, Company C; Capt. Charles E. Rowan, Company F; First Lieut. Halsey H. Richardson, Company E; Actg. Adjt. C. W. Earle, and Sergt. Maj. Charles A. Partridge.

Herewith I append a complete list of our casualties during the campaign. They sum up as follows: Killed, 19; wounded and since dead, 21; total, 40. Wounded, not mortally, 81; missing, 9. Grand total, 130. [255]

This is somewhat less than the sum total of casualties mentioned in the partial reports which have been called for from time to time during the campaign, for the reason, that a number have been twice and thrice wounded, and so reported each time, but in this report they are accounted for but once.

[George Hicks, Major, Commanding Regiment.] Capt. H. F. Temple, A. A. A. G., 2d Brig., 1st Div., 4th Army Corps.

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