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No. 3. reports of Lieut. Cot. Edward D. Kittoe, U. S. Army, medical inspector.

Hdqrs. Military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Big Shanty, June 11, 1864.
Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of wounded since the commencement of operations at Tunnel Hill, Ga., up to the present date:

Department of the Cumberland5,069
Department of the Tennessee562
Department of the Ohio330

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Edwd. D. Kittoe, Medical Inspector, U. S. Army. Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman
, Comdg. Military Division of the Mississippi.

Hdqrs. Military Division of the Mississippi, Atlanta, Ga., September 10, 1864.
General: I have the honor to report that during the recent campaign resulting in the capture of Atlanta, the health of the troops has been remarkably good. This is a noteworthy fact, when the severe labor and privations endured by most of your army during the autumn and part of the winter are taken into consideration. For more than four months on short rations, but poorly housed and badly clothed, with no appreciable variation in diet, scurvy naturally prevailed to some extent in most regiments; in all a marked tendency to this disease was observable, and at one time apprehensions were felt that very serious loss would occur from this cause. The symptoms were mucji abated and modified by the abundant supply of blackberries and green corn which the men obtained on their march, yet there are still remnants of the disease, and great care should be exercised to eradicate it by improved and more varied diet. [118]

The numerical force of the army was materially reduced at the very commencement of operations by the necessity of getting rid of a large number of worthless recruits and substitutes that had been sent to the army during the winter. Our loss by death from disease and wounds has been small considering the extended time of the campaign and the severe fighting that has occurred almost daily for four months. The recoveries from wounds have been rapid and favorable, and the number returned to duty has been greater than usual. Field hospitals have been promptly established and well supplied and attended.

The ambulance service has been well rendered, although not as perfect as it would have been had the system directed by General Orders, No. 106,1 been carried out and enforced, yet it has been more prompt and efficient than in any former campaign in which I have had the honor to serve. The wounded have been brought from the field quickly and carefully, and instances of neglect have been of rare occurrence. Medical officers have been attentive and untiring in the discharge of their duties, and not a few have lost their lives from disease contracted in the line of their duty, and some from the shot of the enemy.

I am proud to bear witness to the general good conduct and faithful service of the members of the medical staff. The system of medical supply trains has been tried during this campaign, and has proved eminently useful, and demonstrated the fact that the different departments when properly administered are able to supply the wants of an army even under adverse circumstances without any extraneous agencies. In fine, the operations of the medical department during the campaign have been highly satisfactory so far as I have been able to observe.

It has not been possible to make any regular or systematic inspections while the army has been in such constant motion, but an opportunity is now afforded for a thorough performance of that duty.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Edwd. D. Kittoe, Medical Inspector, U. S. Army. Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman
, U. S. Army, Comdg. Military Division of the Mississippi


Hdqrs. Military Division of the Mississippi, Atlanta, Ga., September 12, 1864.
This report has been examined, and I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the general intelligence and good conduct of our medical officers, and the foresight displayed in providing for the necessities of service. The commissary department is instructed to provide all the antiscorbutics for which we have the means of transportation. This report will be forwarded to the War Department, along with my official report of the campaign of Atlanta.

W. T. Sherman, Major-General, Commanding.



Tabular statement of sick and wounded in the Military Division of the Mississippi for the period embraced between May 1 and September 6, 1864.

Command.Received in Hospital. Total. Sent to the rear. Returned to duty. Died from—
Sick. Wounded. Disease. Wounds.
Army of the Cumberland:
Fourth Army Corps13,4565,85219,3088,71610,30117416
Fourteenth Army Corps7,4613,97311,4347,1963,03188250
Twentieth Army Corps15,6115,37520,9868,75611,10663374
Army of the Tennessee:
Fifteenth Army Corps3,3463,3126,6585,06292844251
Sixteenth Army Corps4,2331,2035,4362,5152,43424181
Seventeenth Army Corps1,4851,4832,9681,88786238181
Army of the Ohio:
Twenty-third Army Corps006,1464,6561,28810738

The report from the Army of the Cumberland is made up from the morning reports, and is as near correct as can be given. The report from the Sixteenth Army Corps only includes the time from June 26. The number of wounded in this campaign is 1,727.

The Seventeenth Army Corps joined the expedition June 8, 1864. The report of the Twenty-third Army Corps commences with June 1, the records of sick and wounded of the Army of the Ohio not having been kept before.

The entire statement is as close an approximation to the actual state of the army as can at this time be given. The total number of sick and wounded received in hospital is 79,920; the number returned to duty, 32,675, showing a loss of 47,245. Of this number a large proportion are yet in hospitals to the rear, numbers of whom are daily returning to duty.

The number of deaths from disease and from wounds shown on this report is the number which occurred at the front in field hospitals. In some of the corps only severe wounds are reported; in others every wound, however slight, was recorded; so also in the case of deaths from wounds; in some, all brought to hospital who died on the way, were recorded as dying in hospital, while in other cases they were reported among those killed in battle, and did not appear on the hospital record. This explanation will in a measure account for the apparent disproportion between some of the corps.

Edwd. D. Kittoe, Medical Inspector, U. S. Army. Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman
, Comdg. Military Division of the Mississippi.

1 Reference is to General Orders, No. 106, War Department, Adjutant-General's Office, March 16, 1864, publishing an Act of Congress to establish a uniform system of ambulances in the armies of the United States.

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