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Doc. 24. Jeff. Thompson's proclamation.

Headquarters First Military District, M. S. G., camp Hunter, Sept. 2, 1861.
To all whom it may concern:
Whereas, Major-General John C. Fremont, commanding the minions of Abraham Lincoln, in the State of Missouri, has seen fit to declare martial law throughout the whole State, and has threatened to shoot any citizen soldier found in arms within certain limits; also to confiscate the property and free the negroes belonging to the members of the Missouri State Guards; therefore, know ye that I, M. Jeff. Thompson, Brigadier-General of the First Military District of Missouri, having not only the military authority of Brigadier-General, but certain police powers, granted by Acting Governor Thomas C. Reynolds, and confirmed afterward by Governor Jackson, do most solemnly promise that, for every member of the Missouri State Guard or soldier of our allies, the armies of the Confederate States, who shall be put to death in pursuance of the said order of General Fremont, I will hang, draw, and quarter a minion of said Abraham Lincoln.

While I am anxious that this unfortunate war shall be conducted, if possible, upon the most liberal principles of civilized warfare — and every order that I have issued has been with that object — yet, if this rule is to be adopted, (and it must first be done by our enemies,) I intend to exceed General Fremont in his excesses, and will make all tories that come in my reach rue the day that a different policy was adopted by their leaders. Already mills, barns, warehouses, and other private property have been wastefully and wantonly destroyed by the enemy in this district, while we have taken nothing except articles strictly contraband or absolutely necessary. Should these things be repeated, I will retaliate tenfold, so help me God!

M. Jeff. Thompson, Brig.-Gen. Commanding.

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