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[Correspondence Richmond Daily Dispatch.]

brilliant little skirmish — Raid into Stafford — Military Matters, &c.

Fredericksburg, Va., April 7, 1862.
A few Yankees come over into King George a few days since, and stole away a negro woman and her children. After "looking around," and getting acquainted with their new masters, the servants begged most earnestly to be returned to their former owners. A little boat was prepared, and a dozen men came over with the servants. Three of our farmers, with their double-barrel guns, concealed themselves near the banks of the river, and, as the boat came up, let fire at the enemy. Three were killed, others wounded, and our farmers escaped without a scratch.

The Yankees, in force, came to Stafford C. H. a few days ago, and performed some of the most brutal acts of which a people were ever guilty. The reason they gave for their rascality was, that in marching to the Court-House eight of their number were billed by a few of our men, who were concealed on the way-side.

There are many soldiers here. I cannot tell you how many. The men are in good health and spirits, and eager for a fight.

The price of everything has gone up, owing to the presence of so large an Army Wood is $10 a cord, butter 80 cents a pound, and her necessaries as high

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