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1 tou/tou Lindner: Stählin. (The bracketed sords and letters are to fill blank spaces in the MS.)
2 a)sw/tw| kai\ borborw/dei Lindner: Stählin.
3 kai\ Segaar.
4 u(pokeime/nois Combefis. u(pokei/menon MS.
5 parape/phgen from Antonii Melissa: missing from MS.
6 a)neleuqe/rws Fell.
7 kai\ e)painei=n Barnard.
8 th\n zwh\n kai\ Stählin.
9 katerga/zesqai Fell.
10 lo/gw| Segaar. le\gw MS.
11 to\ Stählin. ou(=tos MS.
12 h( inserted by Barnard.
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