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1 لَعِبَ ذ , aor. لَعَبَ , inf. n. لَعِبٌ (which is the original [and most common] form, TA) and لِعْبٌ (S, K: the latter of these inf. ns. contracted from the former, Msb) and لَعْبٌ (K: also contracted from the first: not heard by IKt; but authorized by Mekkee, and, accord. to him, agreeable with a constant rule, applicable in the case of any word of a similar measure having a guttural letter as its medial radical, whether a noun or verb: (TA:) and أُلْعُوبَةٌ (S, K) and تَلْعَابٌ; (K; but this last has an intensive, or a frequentative, signification; S;) and ↓ لعّب (K) and ↓ تلعّب (S, K: but this last has a frequentative [or an intensive] signification; S; [and so too has that immediately preceding it;]) and ↓ تلاعب ; (K;) He played, sported, gamed, jested, or joked: contr. of جَدَّ, which signifies “ he was serious, or in earnest. ” (K.) [You say] بَيْنَهُمْ أُلْعُوبَةٌ Between them is playing, sporting, or the like. (K.) [And so] ↓ لَاعَبَهَا , (inf. n. مُلَاعَبَةٌ and لِعَابٌ, TA,) He played, sported, gamed, jested, or joked, with her: (K:) [he toyed, dallied, or wantoned, with her:] and لَاعَبْتُ الرَّجُلَ, inf. n. ملاعبة, I played, &c., with the man. (S) ― -b2- لَعِبَتِ الرِّيحُ بِالمَنْزِلِ, and ↓ تَلَاعَبَت , (tropical:) [The wind sported with the lighting-place, or place of abode]: i. e., obliterated the traces of it. (TA.) ― -b3- لَعِبَ بِنَا المَوْجُ [The waves sported with us]: the commotion of the waves is called “ sporting ” because it does not convey the voyagers to the quarter whither they desire to go. (TA, from a trad.) -A2- لَعَبَ, (and لَعِبَ, K,) aor. لَعَبَ , inf. n. لَعْبٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ العب ; (K;) He (a child, S) slavered; drivelled; emitted a flow of slaver or drivel from his mouth. (S, K.) The first word is the most approved: (TA:) or الصَّبِىُّالعب signifies the child became slavering, or drivelling. (S.) 3 لَاْعَبَ see 1. 4 أَلْعَبَهَا ذ He made her to play, sport, or game, &c., (with him: accord. to the CK:) or he brought her a thing with which to play, &c. (K.) -A2- See 1. 5 تلعّب ذ He played time after time. (S.) See 1. 6 تَلَاْعَبَ see 1. 10 استلعبت النَّخْلَةُ ذ The palm-tree produced some unripe dates after its other we had been cut off: (K:) or produced, or put forth, a spadix or more, having yet upon it some remains of its first produce of fruit. (Aboo-Sa'eed.) لَعْبٌ ذ for عَلْبٌ: see the latter. لِعْبٌ ذ : see لَعِبٌ لَعِبٌ ذ and ↓ لِعِبٌ (with two kesrehs, agreeably with a constant rule obtaining in cases of this kind, [whereby the measure فَعِلٌ is changed into فِعِلٌ, the medial radical letter being a guttural,] TA, [but in the CK and a MS. copy, ↓ لِعْبٌ , which is also regularly changed from the first,]) and ↓ أُلْعُبَانٌ and ↓ لُعَبَةٌ (K) and ↓ لُعْبَةٌ (TA, as from the K, [but not found by me in any copy of the latter work,]) and ↓ تِلْعِيبَةٌ and ↓ تِلْعَابٌ (K) and ↓ تِلْعَابَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ تَلْعَابٌ and ↓ تَلْعَابَةٌ and ↓ تِلِعَّابٌ and ↓ تِلِعَّابَةٌ (K: the last like تِلِقَّامَةٌ: the ة is added to give [additional] intensiveness to the signification, as in the cases of عَلَّامَةٌ and نَسَّابَةٌ: it is also used by En-Nábighah El-Jaadee in the place of an inf. n.: TA) and ↓ لَعُوبٌ [which is common to both genders] and ↓ لَعَّابٌ (A, &c.) One who plays, sports, games, jests, or jokes, much, or often; a great player, sporter, &c. (S, K.) لِعِبٌ ذ : see لَعِبٌ. لَعْبَةٌ ذ (Th, S) and ↓ لُعْبَةٌ (ISk, S, K) A turn in play, in a game, &c.; a single act of a play or game &c. (S, K, &c.) [You say] ↓ لِمَنَ اللُّعْبَةُ [Whose turn is it to play?] with dammeh to the ل, because it is a subst.; (ISk;) [and] أُقْعُدْ أَفْرُغَ مِنْهٰذِهِ اللُّعْبَةِ [Sit until I finish this turn of the game]: but accord. to Th, it is better to say من هذه اللَّعْبَةِ, with fet-hah; because what is meant is a single turn in the game. (S.) ― -b2- لَعِبْتُ لَعْبَةً وَاحِدَةً [I played one game]. (Fr.) -A2- اللَّعْبَةُ البَرْبَرِيَّةُ (in some copies of the K, ↓ اللُّعْبَةُ ) A certain medicine, resembling what is called السُّورَنْجَانُ, which fattens. (K.) لُعْبَةٌ ذ Anything with which one plays, as شِطْرَنْج and the like, (S, K,) and نَرْد. (S.) See also لَعْبَةٌ. ― -b2- A man with whom one plays, sports, or jests: (K:) one who is a laughing-stock: (TA:) a stupid fellow, or fool, whom one mocks, laughs at, or ridicules; a stupid laughing-stock (K.) ― -b3- An image or effigy [with which to play: a puppet: so the word signifies in the present day]. (K.) [It was probably sometimes applied to A crucifix. And hence, or perhaps from its resemblance to a man with outstretched arms, it is applied by some post-classical writers to A cross; and anything in the form of a cross.] ― -b4- The image that is seen in the black of the eye when a thing faces it; also called عَيْرٌ. (Aboo-Tálib, in L, art. عير.) ― -b5- See لَعِبٌ. لِعْبَةٌ ذ A mode, or manner, of playing, sporting, gaming, &c. You say, فُلَانٌ حَسَنُ اللِّعْبَةِ [Such a one has a good manner of playing, &c. (S.) لُعَبَةٌ ذ : see لَعِبٌ. لُعَابٌ ذ What flows from the mouth; slaver; drivel. (S, K.) ― -b2- [Mucilage of plants. See S, art. لزج &c.] ― -b3- لُعَابُ النَّخْلِ (tropical:) The honey of the date-palm. (S, K.) ― -b4- لُعَابُ الشَّمْسِ (tropical:) A thing (that one sees, TA) as though descending from the sky, at the time of the mid-day heat; (K;) what one sees in a time of intense heat, resembling cobwebs: [i. e. gossamer:] also said to be the سَرَاب, or mirage: (S:) it is what is called مُخَاطُ الشَّيْطَانِ, and سَهَامٌ, and رِيقُ الشَّمْسِ, resembling threads, seen in the air when the heat is intense and the air calm: and he who asserts the لعاب الشمس to be the سراب says what is false; for that is the سراب that is seen at mid-day resembling running water: only he knows these things who has been constantly in the deserts, and has journeyed during the mid-day heats. (Az.) [In Egypt, in very hot and calm weather, I have seen, though very rarely, great quantities of the filmy substances above mentioned, resembling delicate and silky white cobwebs, generally of stringy forms, floating in the air.] جَارِيَةٌ لَعُوبٌ ذ A playful, sportive, or gamesome, damsel: (S:) one who coquets prettily, with affected coyness: (K:) pl. لَعَائِبُ. (TA.) See also لَعِبٌ. لَعَّابٌ ذ One whose business or occupation is playing, gaming, or the like; a player by profession. (TA.) See also لَعِبٌ. لَاعِبٌ ذ Playing, sporting, gaming, jesting, or joking. (TA.) See also لَعِبٌ. ― -b2- لَا يَأْخُذَنَّ أَحَدُكُمْ مَتَاعَ أَخِيهِ لَاعِبًا جَادًّا [By no means shall any one of you take the property of his brother in play (and) in earnest]: by this is meant taking a thing without meaning to steal it, but meaning to vex and anger the owner; so that the taker is in play with respect to theft, but in earnest in annoying. (TA, from a trad.) ― -b3- إِِنَّمَا أَنْتَ لَاعِبٌ [Thou art only playing]: said to anyone who does what is unprofitable. (TA.) أُلْعُوبَةٌ ذ A thing with which one plays (Mz, 40th نوع.) [See also لُعْبَةٌ.] ― -b2- Also an inf. n. of لَعِبَ. (S, K.) أُلْعَبَانٌ ذ : see لَعِبٌ. مَلْعَبٌ ذ A place of playing, sporting, gaming, or the like; a place where plays, games, or sports, are performed: (S, K:) pl. مَلَاعِبُ. (TA.) ― -b2- مَلَاعِبُ الرِّيحِ [pl. (tropical:) The sporting-places of the wind;] places where the wind blows, or has blown, vehemently: syn. مَدَارِجُهَا. (K.) ― -b3- تَرَكْتُهُ فِى مَلَاعِبِ الجِنِّ (tropical:) [I left him in the sporting-places of the Jinn, or genii]: i. e., in such a place that he did not know where he was. (TA.) مُلْعِبَةٌ ذ and (as in the CK and a MS. copy) ↓ مِلْعَبَةٌ A garment without sleeves, in which a boy plays. (K.) مُلَعِّبٌ ذ [Exuding mucilage]; applied to a plant: likened to a foolish person slavering: (TA, in art. حمق.) [See البَقْلَةُ الحَمْقَاءُ in art. حمق.] مُلَاعِبُ ظِلِّهِ ذ A certain bird; (S, K;) found in the desert; (TA;) sometimes called خَاطِفُ ظِلِّهِ, (S, Msb,) [see art. خطف,] because of the swiftness with which it pounces down: it has a green (or gray, أَخْضَر,) back, white belly, long wings, and short neck. (Msb.) Of two you say مُلَاعِبَا ظِلَّيْهِمَا; and of three, مُلَاعِبَاتُ أَظْلَالِهِنَّ; because the appellation becomes determinate. (TA. [But see ظِلٌّ.]) ثَغْرٌ مَلْعُوبٌ ذ Teeth, or fore teeth, &c., having slaver or drivel, upon or about them. (S, K.) تَلعَابٌ ذ and تِلْعَابٌ, تَلْعَابَةٌ and تِلْعَابَةٌ, تِلْعِيبَةٌ, تِلِعَّابٌ and تِلِعَّابَةٌ, see لَعِبٌ.

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