Well, don't you think he who gave to the ancestors of the other gods the names “Rhea” and “Cronus” had the same thought as Heracleitus? Do you think he gave both of them the names of streams merely by chance? Just so Homer, too, says—“Ocean the origin of the gods, and their mother Tethys;
”Hom. Il. 14.201, 302 and I believe Hesiod says that also. Orpheus, too, says—“Fair-flowing Ocean was the first to marry,
Well, don't you think he who gave to the ancestors of the other gods the names “Rhea” and “Cronus” had the same thought as Heracleitus? Do you think he gave both of them the names of streams merely by chance? Just so Homer, too, says—“Ocean the origin of the gods, and their mother Tethys;
”Hom. Il. 14.201, 302 and I believe Hesiod says that also. Orpheus, too, says—“Fair-flowing Ocean was the first to marry,