Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for February 5th, 1861 AD or search for February 5th, 1861 AD in all documents.

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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.the secession of Texas. Long Point, Washington Co., Texas, February 5, 1861. The Convention of the people of Texas has passed a Secession Ordinance; but, in consequence of some of the counties not being represented in the Convention, (which was caused by the opposition of Gov. Houston,) it is referred back to the people for adoption or rejection — the election to take place on the 23d inst. It will be adopted almost unanimously. Old Sam has always exercised a magic influence over a large portion of the old settlers of Texas until the recent secession movement, which he opposed; but when he saw most of his old guard leaving him, he wheeled, and has come right side up. The offer of the State of New York to furnish money and men to coerce the Southern States into Black Republican rule, has aroused the latent sparks of his once flaming patriotism, and he now says that he is with Texas either for weal or for woe, and that he will sanction a