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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
ators declared that not twenty submissionist Union men had been chosen. Virginia, said the leading organ of the secessionists in that State, R. M. T. Hunter. will, before the 4th of March, declare herself absolved from all further obligation to the Federal Government. It is eminently proper that the State which was the leader in the Revolution, and the first to proclaim the great doctrine of State Rights in 1799, should lead the column of the Border States. Richmond Enquirer, February 5, 1861. We will consider the proceedings of the Virginia Convention hereafter. The conspirators felt great anxiety and doubt concerning the position of Maryland. To the disloyalists of that State, with those of Virginia, they had looked for the most efficient aid in the work of seizing the National Capital. Maryland lay between the Free-labor States and that capital, and might be a barrier against Northern troops sent to protect it. Emissaries and commissioners from the Cotton-growing
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
pted him, saying, I think it is high time to put a stop to this countenancing treason in the halls of legislation. He made it a point of order whether it was competent for a member of Congress, sworn to support the Constitution and laws, to openly advocate treason against the Republic, and justify the seizure of forts and arsenals belonging to it by armed insurgents. The Speaker allowed Taylor to proceed; and he finished his harangue by a formal withdrawal from his seat in the House. February 5, 1861. Thus ended the open utterances of treason in the Halls of Congress. The National Legislature was purged of its more disloyal elements, and thenceforth, during the remaining month of the session, its legitimate business was attended to. There were turbulent and disloyal spirits left in that body, but they were less demonstrative, and were shorn of their power to do serious mischief. The Union men were now in the majority in the Lower House, and they controlled the Senate. Before
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
roposed negotiation was intrusted. Mr. Adams had already been instructed See Mr. Seward's Letter of Instructions to Mr. Adams, April 10, 1861. concerning the manner in which he should oppose the efforts of the agents of the conspirators. He was directed to acknowledge the appreciation of the American people and Government of the late expressions of good — will by the Queen and her ministers ; Reference is here made to an expression in the Queen's speech from the throne on the 5th of February, 1861, in which she declared her great concern at the events then taking place in the United States, and a heart-felt wish that the differences that then distracted the country might be susceptible of a satisfactory adjustment. For these humane expressions, Mr. Toulmin Smith, the conductor of the Parliamentary Remembrancer (vol. IV., page 8), reproved his Sovereign. These last loose words, he said, are characteristic of the very loose notions that are common in England on the subject of
accepted by him. Within 90 days after his arrival December 5, 1860. at Indianola, he had surrendered February 18, 1861. He immediately and openly declared that the Union could not last 60 days, and warned officers, if they had pay due them, to draw it at once, as this would be the last. the entire force at and near San Antonio, with all their arms, munitions, and supplies, to three persons acting as Commissioners on behalf of the Committee of Public Safety, secretly appointed February 5, 1861. by the Convention which had just before assumed to take Texas out of the Union. Feb. 1. The Convention met this day at Austin, and at once passed an ordinance of Secession, subject to a vote of the people at an election to be held on the 23d just.; the ordinance, if approved, to take effect on the 2d of March. Texas was therefore still in the Union, even according to the logic of Secession. The betrayal was colored, not fairly cloaked, by a slim display of military force in behalf
Colonel Jones went with me to tell the governor that his regiment and my brigade, while in as good condition as any other part of the militia, were in such plight that they could not march out of the State, that the men had only holiday uniforms, and must be furnished with overcoats, knapsacks, haversacks, blankets, and other needed equipments for camping. The governor said: Put that information in writing. Whereupon Colonel Jones wrote this able and opportune letter:-- Boston, Feb. 5, 1861. to his excellency the commander-in-chief: At our interview this morning, you requested me to put the matter which I wished to communicate in writing. In accordance therewith, I make the following statement as to the condition of my command, and take the liberty to forward the same directly to you, passing over the usual channel of communication for want of time. The Sixth Regiment consists of eight companies, located as follows, viz.: Four in Lowell, two in Lawrence, one in Acton,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
5,771 are in active service......1858 Pemberton mills, at Lawrence, fall by reason of defect in building, and afterwards take fire; 115 of the operatives perish and 165 more or less injured......Jan. 10, 1860 John A. Andrews, the war governor, elected......1861 Annual meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-slavery Society at Tremont Temple, Boston, suppressed by the mayor......Jan. 24, 1861 Seven commissioners to the peace conference at Washington appointed by Governor Andrews......Feb. 5, 1861 Legislature appropriates $25,000 for supplies for 2,000 troops......April 3, 1861 Sixth Regiment, mustered at Lowell, April 16, leaves Boston for Washington, 17th; attacked by a mob in Baltimore, April 19; three soldiers are killed, twenty-three wounded; arrives at Washington and is quartered in the Senate chamber......5 P. M., April 19, 1861 Legislature convenes in extra session May 14, and passes an act for the maintenance of the Union and the Constitution, creating the Union f
ock, on which is a sliding clamp that carries the saw-guide, which is connected by links with the said arms, so as to allow them to be placed within and conform to any angle, and insure at the same time the proper position of the stock midway between the said arms. Mi′ter-ing-ma-chine′. 1. (Printing.) A machine for mitering printers' rules, so that their ends may meet at a miter-joint. Various adjustments are found in the United States patents. McDonald, July 3, 1855Babcock, February 5, 1861. Grover and Pelouse, May 29, 1860.Walker, December 3, 1867. Ustich, July 21, 1868. 2. (Joinery.) A machine for mitering or slanting the ends of pieces which are to be united by a miterjoint. The machine illustrated is adapted for mitering frame moldings, panel moldings, etc. The irons work at right angles to one another, and cut the miters true and clean. Mitering-machine. Mi′ter-i′ron. (Forging.) A number of bars of angular shape wedged together inside a hoop
ay 3, 1860. 28,538RuddickMay 29, 1860. 28,785SmithJune 19, 1860. 30,641PayneNov. 13, 1860. 31,156EarleJan. 22, 1861. 31,208BruenJan. 22, 1861. 31,334SmithFeb. 5, 1861. 31,429RiceFeb. 12, 1861. 31.601HowlettMar. 5, 1861. 32,323WilderMay 14, 1861. (Reissue.)1,244Grover et al.Dec. 3, 1861. 37,585MaddenFeb. 3, 1863. 30,012TracySept. 11, 1860. 30.634LeavittNov. 13, 1860. 30,731HeyerNov. 27, 1860. 31,171IrwinJan. 22, 1861. 31,209Johnson et al.Jan. 22, 1861. 31,325NivelleFeb. 5, 1861. 31,411SmithFeb. 12, 1861. 31,691JuengstMar. 12, 1861. (Reissue.)1,154HoweMar. 19, 1861. 32,297Jones et al.May. 14, 1861. 32,315SherwoodMay. 14, 186, 1858. 22,045WheelerNov. 9, 1858. 24,000BartholfMay 17, 1859. 26,537PrattDec. 20, 1859. 27,948CrossApr. 7, 1860. 29,138ChurchillJuly 17, 1860. 31,351HookFeb. 5, 1861. 31,423WilliamsFeb. 12, 1861. 35,126PrattApr. 29, 1862. 35,542PryibilJune 10, 1862. 37,580JonesFeb. 3, 1863. 41,272BlandJan. 19, 1864. 42,801SleppyMay 17
n a projection or rim half an inch below the top of the pot, leaving room between the outside of the inner lid and the inside of the outer, for dry sand to exclude the atmosphere. The pots should not be opened until quite cool after the heating process, otherwise the atmosphere will so far oxidize the surface as to turn the color to a blue or black. See patents:— No.Date. 21,286.April 24, 1858. 131,680.September 7, 1872. 131,681.September 7, 1872. 65,481.June 4, 1867. 31,361.February 5, 1861. 65,699.June 11, 1867. 65,215.May 28, 1867. 70,881.November 12, 1867. 26,143.November 15, 1859. 90,314.May 15, 1869. Wire-car′tridge. A cartridge for fowling in which the charge of shot has wire ligaments. Wire-cloth. A fabric whose woof and weft are of wire; the size of the wire, the shape and sizes of the meshes, being adapted to the uses of the completed screen, sifter, or sieve, or the character of the machine in which it is to be used. Besides the purpose of se
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official report of the history Committee of the Grand Camp C. V., Department of Virginia. (search)
ducation and in strength; have left the helm of government and the dictation of policy to the Southern States, &c. We propose to show, from the highest Northern sources, that so far from the above statement being true, it is exactly the opposite of the truth. General John A. Logan, afterwards a Major-General in the Federal Army, a United States Senator and a candidate for the Vice-Presidency on the Republican ticket, in a speech delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 5th of February, 1861, uses this language: The Abolitionists of the North have constantly warred upon Southern institutions, by incessant abuse from the pulpit, from the press, on the stump, and in the halls of Congress, denouncing them as a sin against God and man. * * * By these denunciations and lawless acts on the part of Abolition fanatics such results have been produced as to drive the people of the Southern States to a sleepless vigilance for the protection of their property and the preservati
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