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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, I. Across Sherman's track (December 19-24, 1864) (search)
wls and blankets so that the scene looked like a gypsy camp. Here we met again all the people we had seen on the train at Camack, besides a great many others. Judge Baker and the Bonhams arrived a few minutes behind us, after having met with all sorts of disasters at Commissioners' Creek, which they crossed at a worse ford than t companions on the journey proved to be bread cast on the waters that did not wait many days to be returned. I had hardly taken my first bite of hardtack when Judge Baker invited Metta and me to share a nice cold supper with him; the bride offered us the only thing she had left — some real coffee, which the colonel had boiled at ll unstrung by what I had suffered during the night, I tuned up and began to cry like a baby. It was well I did, for my tears brought the men to their senses. Judge Baker and Col. Scott interfered, reminding them that ladies were present, and then arms were laid aside and profuse apologies made for having frightened us. Both part
and devised plans for the return. From the information of a trusty friend, it was deemed advisable to be extremely cautious, as every thing on the Upper Potomac indicated movements of importance, and the different fords were doubly guarded. General Baker, Lincoln's right-hand man, had been in secret conference with the authorities for several days, and in private circles bragged of what he was going to do. He was not going into winter quarters until the vile ragged rebels were driven from his front, and he did so on secession soil, and at rebel expense, etc. Knowing that General Baker was acting in conjunction with Stone, at Poolesville, there could be little reason to doubt after this from what quarter the blow was likely to fall upon us, so we hastened back again as speedily as possible. The nearer we approached the river, the more difficult it was to proceed. The Yankees had so many men lying along the main roads, that it was almost impossible to travel. We picketed our ho
we march out to the attack, Sunday, October twentieth capture of a Federal courier the ruse discovered plans of Stone, Baker, and Banks Countermarch to the Ferry road watching the river shell-firing by the enemy the enemy cross in force at Banight, and at Edwards's Ferry, Goose Creek, and other Passages on Monday morning details of the battle of Leesburgh General Baker killed Colonel Coggswell, with eight hundred men taken prisoners great slaughter victory of the Confederate forcesd over one hundred killed or disabled; but though two thousand men — some of the very best in the Federal army, and under Baker — were opposed to them and kept up a semicircle of fire, our men held on like bloodhounds, and neither threats, commands, so much effect that the enemy's front and all around the guns were strewn with the dead and wounded in hundreds. General Baker having been killed shortly after our fierce onset, Colonel Coggswell now commanded the enemy, and thought to make goo
ding the promising son of the poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes, most of the men having been enrolled in Boston and Worcester. New-York also felt very much humbled on account of the decimation of the Forty-fourth, one of its crack regiments, which boasted of more professional pugilists and blackguards than any other from that State, except the red-legged Fire Zouaves. Pennsylvania was in mourning for the rout of the First California Regiment, (fifteen companies strong,) which had been raised by Baker in Philadelphia, and which was petted and feasted, and paraded at Washington by Lincoln himself, and called the Invincibles. Other States had each its special reason for mourning, and so, from one reason or another, the entire press howled over the disaster for a full month. In the South, however, our success was not regarded with proportionate admiration; the people expected the boys to do well, and when their victory was recorded, it only excited smiles and modest comment. As far as
ll any of them care for — they would squeeze a dollar until the eagle howled. I think the prisoners we took, said the major, could give a version of Seven Pines rather different from that published by McClellan. When Stone failed, and Baker fell at Leesburgh, McClellan was indignant at the idea that he was said to have ordered their unfortunate advance. Baker was dead and could not speak; Stone, who could speak, was immediately incarcerated in Fort Warren. If the commander-in-chieBaker was dead and could not speak; Stone, who could speak, was immediately incarcerated in Fort Warren. If the commander-in-chief did not order that movement, who did? Casey is accused of imbecility and cowardice because he has suffered a defeat, and is now moved to the rear. But this system of falsehood and hypocrisy cannot last long, although I believe if the enemy were whipped out of their boots they would still shout victory, victory, as loudly as ever. There is no doubt that poor old Casey was sadly out-generalled and beaten by Johnston, but had not our attack been delayed on the right and left, we should hav
changes which the arms, ammunition, and ordnance underwent in their better adaptation to the needs of the hour. The few muskets remaining in the hands of the government in 1861 were used to equip the troops who left first for the seat of war. Then manufacturing began on an immense scale. The government workshops could not produce a tithe of what were wanted, even though running night and day; and so private enterprise was called in to supplement the need. As one illustration, Grover & Baker of Roxbury turned their extensive sewing-machine workshop into a rifle-manufactory, which employed several hundred hands, and this was only one of a large number in that section. Alger, of South Boston, poured the immense molten masses of his cupolas into the moulds of cannon, and his massive steam-hammers pounded out and welded the ponderous shafts of gunboats and monitors. The descendants of Paul Revere diverted a part of their yellow metal from the mills which rolled it into sheathing f
immediately saddled, and in less than five minutes we were in rapid gallop to the front. Upon arriving there we found, as is usually the case in such sudden alarms, that things were by no means so desperate as they had been represented. Colonel Baker, with the splendid 1st North Carolina regiment, had arrested the bold forward movement of the Yankees. Pelham, with his guns in favourable position, was soon pouring a rapid fire upon their columns. The other regiments of the command were sa few thousand horse and ten pieces of artillery, resisted the advance of the whole Federal army, with considerable damage to them and little to ourselves. Near Middletown we took up a new position. The 1st North Carolina regiment, under Colonel Baker, and two pieces of artillery, were placed in front of the village, the other regiments and guns on the opposite side, behind a little stream known as Kittochtan Creek. The covered wooden bridge which spanned the stream was prepared with comb
oming up with our waggons again after so long a separation from them, and at having our negro servants to wait on us and fresh horses for use. Our tents were soon pitched in the garden of a little tavern; and having performed our ablutions, and indulged in a change of linen, we felt once more clean, comfortable, and happy. In the evening, Pelham and I, mounting our mules, rode very proudly over to the camp of the 1st North Carolina regiment, where we had been invited by its officers, Colonel Baker and Major Gordon, to join them-rare luxury indeed — in a bowl of punch, and where we had a very pleasant symposium, laughing and talking over the adventures of our recent campaign. The next day passed as quietly as if there had been no enemy within a hundred miles of us, and we became assiduously lazy, lying about on the soft grass, smoking the pipe of placid contentment, if not the calumet of peace. After an early dinner, I determined to make myself useful in providing for the next mo
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Vicksburg during the siege. (search)
d to make a tedious detour because of the destruction by flood of a bridge over Baker's creek, which runs a little east of Edwards' Depot, in a southwesterly course errors that Pemberton received this communication not till after the battle of Baker's creek, when too late to affect his action. The battle of Baker's creek haBaker's creek happened in this wise: When General Johnston, on the 15th, received General Pemberton's second note of the day before, disclosing his designs on Dillon's, Johnston ins I might meet him there with 6,000 men. Hardly had Pemberton got well clear of Baker's creek when this order reached him. He reversed his columns and prepared to oband joined General Johnston with his division. Next day the Federals, crossing Baker's creek on pontoon bridges, renewed the battle at the Big Black river, east of account of events, including the council of war on the 14th, and the battle at Baker's creek. The action at the river was progressing at the moment of General Pemb
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 31: the Chinese-Wall blockade, abroad and at home. (search)
a volume, so bloodily written to the end before Petersburg. Under ordinary combinations, Johnston had found it easy to crush Grant and prevent even his escape to the distant base behind him. But, unhappily, Government would not re-enforce Johnstoneven to the very limited extent it might; and Mr. Davis promoted Pemberton to a lieutenant-generalcy and sent him to Vicksburg. But this is no place to discuss General Pemberton's abilities-his alleged disobedience of orders — the disasters of Baker's creek and Big Black; or his shutting up in Vicksburg, hopeless of relief from Johnston. Suffice it, the dismal echo of falling Vicksburg supplemented the gloom after Gettysburg; and the swift-following loss of Port Hudson completed the blockade of the Mississippi; and made the trans-river territory a foreign land! The coast of Maine met the waters of the Ohio, at the mouth of the Mississippi; and two sides of the blockade triangle were completed, almost impervious even to rebel ingenu
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