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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
ot think General Pierce a great man, but I do not undertake to prophesy with regard to his Administration. His Secretary of State, Mr. Marcy, is a person of wisdom and experience, ignorant of foreign affairs but he knows his ignorance, and in this self-knowledge is his strength. I doubt not he will master most of the questions. Caleb Cushing is a dangerous character, who believes in war. He thinks that the country needs the occupation of a war, and I fear he will try to secure it for us. Guthrie, the Secretary of the Treasury, is a tall, large-limbed, strong-minded Kentuckian. . . . The papers occasionally announce Crawford's progress in his great work, and I always read everything of the kind with interest. Give him my regards; also his wife. Where are you now? I imagine you on the Alban heights, in some spacious apartments, enjoying fresh breezes, and the beautiful lake, with books and pencil, with pleasant friends, perhaps under the same roof, and with that simple delectable
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
to Newcastle; then by Berwick to Edinburgh, where I arrived before dark; stopped at MacGregor's (Royal Hotel); saw my friend from Boston, Prof. Henry D. Rogers. (1808-1866.) Native of Philadelphia; geologist and naturalist. October 6. Went to Jedburgh to. visit Lord Campbell at his place, Hartrigge House; resisted all pressure to stay; walked in the grounds, and returned to Edinburgh at night. October 7. Fast day on account of India; heard Rev. Dr. Hanna 1808-1882. preach at Dr. Guthrie's church; called on A. Russel, 1814-1876. editor of Scotsman. Dr. Brown drove me to see Lord Dunfermline, the old Speaker, now quite infirm, but taking a great interest in the slave question; then called with Rogers on George Combe, (1788-1858.) Phrenologist, who visited Boston in 1838. also on Robert Chambers. (1802-1871.) Writer and publisher Mr. Combe was anxious that I should not return to public duties until after longer rest. October 8. Visited Holyrood Palace; in the <