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Washington news. The attendance of visitors at the White House Tuesday was mostly confined to a few prominent officials, including Generals Grant, Kilpatrick, Howard, Logan, and Senators Guthrie and Wilson, Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Judge Swayne, of the Supreme Court, and Mr. Trenholm late Secretary of the Treasury of the Confederate States. The President gave audiences to them all. None of the new committees got into working order to-day, although there is a large amount of business already referred to them. The House Judiciary Committee have six new propositions before them to amend the Constitution of the United States. Several prominent New Jersey Republican politicians are here, urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to make an early decision in the case of Senator Stockton, of that State. The Senate has two precedents, one for and the other against the issue involved in this case. Senator Collamer's death will be announced in both Houses on Thursday, and th
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern Representation — the latest news from Washington. (search)
Associated Press dispatches.Congressional. Washington, December 18. --Senate--Mr. Guthrie presented a remonstrance from certain citizens of Louisiana against the reception of Messrs. Hahn and Butler as Senators from Louisiana. Ordered to be laid on the table. Mr. Foote presented a resolution providing for the payment to the widow of the late Senator Collamer the amount due him at the time of his death. Mr. Wilson called up Senate bill to repeal all laws in the late insurrectionary States based on the distinction of color or race; pending the discussion of which the Senate adjourned. House.--Mr. Schenck, from the Committee of Military Affairs, reported a joint resolution requesting the President to suspend any further order mustering out the officers of the veteran reserve corps until Congress shall have time to consider what disposition to make of it. Passed. Mr. Farnsworth moved to refer his resolution, heretofore offered, declaring that colored soldier