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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 18 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 17 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 16 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 3 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 3 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 1 1 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
R. D. Johnston, Major C. C. Blacknall, and the senior captain (Abner D. Pearce) reported as wounded early in the fight, July 1. Col. D. H. Christie, Capt. William H. Johnston. Ramseur's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. S. D. Ramseur; 2d N. C., Maj. D. W. Hurtt, Capt. James T. Scales; 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes; 14th N. C., Col. R. Tyler Bennett, Maj. Joseph H. Lambeth; 30th N. C., Col. Francis M. Parker, Maj. W. W. Sillers. O'Neal's Brigade, Col. E. A. O'Neal; 3d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Col. J. M. Hall; 6th Ala., Col. J. N. Lightfoot, Capt. M. L. Bowie; 12th Ala., Col. S. B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Lieut.-Col. John C. Goodgame. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. Carter; Jeff Davis (Ala.) Art., Capt. W. J. Reese; King William (Va.) Art., Capt. W. P. Carter; Morris (Va.) Art., Capt. R. C. M. Page; Orange (Va.) Art., Capt. C. W. Fry. Artillery Reserve, Col. J. Thompson Brown; 1st Va. Art., Capt. Willis J. Dance; 2d Richmond (Va.) Howitzers, Capt. David Watson; 3d Richmond (Va.) Howitzers, Capt
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
Battery, Lieut. Joseph McGraw; Va. Battery, Capt. E. A. Marye. Artillery loss: k, 5; w, 28 = 33. D. H. Hill's division, Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes, Brig.-Gen. S. D. Ramseur. Bodes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes, Col. E. A. O'Neal (w), Col. J. M. Hall: 3d Ala., Capt. M. F. Bonham; 5th Ala., Col. J. M. Hall, Lieut.-Col. E. L. Hobson (w), Capt. W. T. Rufus (m w), Capt. T. M. Riley; 6th Ala., Col. James N. Lightfoot; 12th Ala., Col. Samuel B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal, Lieut.-ColCol. J. M. Hall, Lieut.-Col. E. L. Hobson (w), Capt. W. T. Rufus (m w), Capt. T. M. Riley; 6th Ala., Col. James N. Lightfoot; 12th Ala., Col. Samuel B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal, Lieut.-Col. John S. Garvin (w), Lieut. M. J. Taylor. Brigade loss: k, 90; w, 538; m, 188 =816. Colquitt's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. H. Colquitt: 6th Ga., Col. John T. Lofton; 19th Ga., Col. A. J. Hutchins; 23d Ga., Col. Emory F. Best; 27th Ga., Col. C. T. Zachry; 28th Ga., Col. Tully Graybill. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 128; m, 312 = 449. Ramseur's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. S. D. Ramseur (w), Col. F. M. Parker: 2d N. C., Col. W. R. Cox (w); 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes; 14th N. C., Col. R. T. Bennett; 30th N. C., C
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
ohn T. Mercer; 44th Ga., Col. S. P. Lumpkin (w), Maj. W. H. Peebles. Brigade loss: k, 24; w, 124; m, 31 = 179. Ramseur's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Stephen D. Ramseur: 2d N. C., Maj. D. W. Hurtt (w), Capt. James T. Scales; 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes; 14th N. C., Col. R. Tyler Bennett (w), Maj. Joseph H. Lambeth; 30th N. C., Col. Francis M. Parker (w), Maj. W. W. Sellers. Brigade loss: k, 23; w, 122; m, 32 = 177. O'Neal's Brigade, Col. Edward A. O'Neal: 3d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Col. J. M. Hall; 6th Ala., Col. J. N. Lightfoot (w), Capt. M. L. Bowie; 12th Ala., Col. S. B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Lieut.-Col. John C. Goodgame. Brigade loss: k, 73; w, 430; in, 193 = 696. Artillery Battalion, Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. Carter: Ala.. Battery (Jeff Davis Art'y); Capt. W. J. Reese; Va. Battery (King William Art'y), Capt. W. P. Carter; Va. Battery (Morris Art'y), Capt. R. C. M. Page (w); Va. Battery (Orange Art'y), Capt. C. W. Fry. Battalion loss: k, 6; w, 35; m, 24 = 65. Reserve artillery
welfth Georgia; Colonel Cooke, Fourth Georgia, severely wounded; Colonel Hall, Fifth Alabama; Colonel Christie, Twenty-third North Carolina; C Lieutenant-Colonel Garvin and Major Bryan, and the Fifth, under Colonel Hall and Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson--moved in line of battle with thisirected Major Whiting to move the brigade forward, and to inform Colonel Hall, of the Fifth Alabama, that the command devolved on him. ColonelColonel Hall was, at the time, on the extreme left of the line with his regiment. The brigade moved forward under a most terrific storm of shell, gr took place afterwards I respectfully refer you to the report of Colonel Hall, who so bravely led it, and that of Colonel Pickens, who so gallt, Edward A. O'Neal, Colonel, commanding Brigade. Report of Colonel Hall. headquarters Fifth Alabama regiment, Santee, Caroline counve the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. M. Hall, Colonel, commanding Brigade. Report of Colonel Hamilton.
of the column, he was twice sabred over the head, his arm shattered by a bullet, captured and carried over the river, when he escaped and walked back, twelve miles, to his camp. Lieutenant-Colonel Payne, commanding, also mentions privates Joseph Gilman, J. R. Gilman, Poindexter, Redd, Sydnor, Terry, and N. Priddy. In the Third, Captain Collins, company H; Lieutenants Hill Carter and John Lamb, of company D; Lieutenant Stamper, of company F; Lieutenant R. F. Hubbard, company G; and first Lieutenant Hall, of company C, was twice wounded, before he desisted from the charge, and when retiring, received a third and still more severe wound, and was unable to leave the field. Adjutant H. B. McClellan is also particularly commended for his gallantry. Acting Sergeant-Major, E. W. Price, company K, private Keech, company I, and bugler-drilling Sergeant Betts, of company C; privates Young, company B, Fowler, company G, and Wilkins, company C, died as became brave men, in the front of the ch
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
by Colonel R. T. Bennett, and Thirtieth North Carolina, commanded by Colonel F. M. Parker;--Rodes' Alabama brigade, commanded by Colonel E. A. O'Neal, composed of Third Alabama, commanded by Colonel C. A. Battle; Fifth Alabama, commanded by Colonel J. M. Hall; Sixth Alabama, commanded by Colonel J. N. Lightfoot; Twelfth Alabama, commanded by Colonel S. B. Pickens, and Twenty-sixth Alabama, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Goodgame; and Lieutenant-Colonel Thos. H. Carter's battalion of sixtes to direction) and in confusion, into the action. It was soon apparent that they were making no impression upon the enemy, and hence I ordered forward the Fifth Alabama to their support, but, to my surprise in giving this command to its colonel, Hall, I found that Colonel O'Neal, instead of personally superintending the movements of his brigade, had chosen to remain with this reserve regiment. The result was that the whole brigade, with the exception of the Third Alabama, the movements of whi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General B. E. Rodes' report of the battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
through the troops, and sent a staff officer with directions to Colonel Hall, who succeeded to the command, to continue his advance. The firtwo moved obliquely to the right, under the immediate command of Colonel Hall, and encountered the fire of the enemy's infantry posted behind mpelled to abandon the barricade and fall back, and pressing on, Colonel Hall's two regiments, the Fifth and Twenty-sixth Alabama, together wi Rodes', Iverson's and Pender's troops moving forward to the left of Hall and Christie, were met and repulsed by the enemy, thus leaving the fhrough Major Whiting, to attack (moving parallel to the plank road). Hall immediately attacked the epaulements again with his two regiments, aaptured several of the prisoners and one of the flags taken from Colonel Hall. At this juncture, Lieutenant-Colonel Carter, who had behavedGenerals Doles and Ramseur; Colonel Ed. Willis, Twelfth Georgia; Colonel Hall, Fifth Alabama; Colonel Christie, Twenty-third North Carolina; C
yCol. James Hagan Promoted Brigadier-General. 1stAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. J. W. G. SteedmanMarch 4, 1861.  Col. H. D. ClaytonMarch 28, 1861.Promoted Major-General July 8, 1864. 2dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. H. Maury   Col. W. S. Goodwyn1861.  3dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. C. A. BattleMay 31, 1861.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. T. Lomax1861.  4thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. P. D. BowlesOct. 3, 1861.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. E. McI. Law1861.  5thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. J. M. HallJuly 17, 1861.  6thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jas. N. LightfootMay 7, 1863.  7thAlabamaRegimentInfantry    8thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Y. L. RoysterJune 16, 1862.  Col. Thos. E. Irby1861.  9thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Samuel HenryOct. 21, 1861.  10thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. A. S. Cunningham   Col. I. I. Woodward1862.  11thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. J. C. C. SaundersSept. 11, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. Syd. Moore1861.  12thAlabamaRegimentInfantr
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Organization of army of Northern Virginia. (search)
rolina regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel N. Slough; 23d North Carolina regiment, Colonel D. H. Christie. Ramseur's brigade Commander: Brigadier-General S. D. Ramseur---2d North Carolina regiment, Major E. W. Hurt; 4th North Carolina regiment, Colonel Bryan Grimes; 14th North Carolina regiment, Colonel R. T. Bennett; 30th North Carolina regiment, Colonel F. M. Parker. Rodes' brigade Commander: Colonel E. A. O'Neal---3d Alabama regiment, Colonel C. A. Battle; 5th Alabama regiment, Colonel J. M. Hall; 6th Alabama regiment, Colonel J. N. Lightfoot; 12th Alabama regiment, Colonel S. B. Pickens; 26th Alabama regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Goodgame. Third corps---Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill. R. H. Anderson's division. Wilcox's brigade Commander: Brigadier-General C. M. Wilcox---8th Alabama regiment, Colonel T. L. Royster; 9th Alabama regiment, Colonel S. Henry; 10th Alabama regiment, Colonel W. H. Forney; 11th Alabama regiment, Colonel J. C. C. Saunders; 14th Alabama
ide the works. Attention called to gallantry of Colonel Hall; LieutenantColo-nel Hobson severely wounded; als948) Casualties given at killed 24, wounded 133. Colonel Hall, Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson, Maj. Eugene Blackfora regiment in the action of that day. (953-955) Colonel Hall's (commanding brigade) report of battle commends No. 44—(287) O'Neal's brigade, Rodes' division; Colonel Hall in command of regiment. Gettysburg, July 1 to 4ith their commands at battle of Gettysburg gives Colonel Hall, Major Blackford; list of officers killed or woudes' division, Second army corps, General Ewell, Colonel Hall in command of regiment. No. 48—(399, 818, 838Capt. Thomas M. Riley, October 31, 1864. (1246) Colonel Hall commanding regiment, November 30, 1864. (1364) e, Rodes' division, army of the Valley district, Colonel Hall in command of regiment, August 31st. No. 95—(, 955) Mentioned in General O'Neal's report, and Colonel Hall's (commanding brigade). (959, 960) Li
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