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indebted for services on that field. The wounded were kindly and tenderly cared for by the Third Division Medical Director, Surgeon Muscroft, and the other surgeons of the command. Lieutenant McDowell was wounded. My Orderlies, James Emery and the rest, went through the whole fight behaving well. Emery was wounded. Lieutenant Carpenter, First Ohio volunteer infantry, one of my Aids, was so badly injured by the fall of his horse that I would not permit him to go on the field. Lieutenant Hartman, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, a member of my staff, was ill with fever, and unable to leave his bed. It should be mentioned that the Eighty-eighth Indiana, Colonel Humphreys, being placed at one of the fords on Stone River where our forces were temporarily driven back, very opportunely rallied the stragglers, and promptly crossed the river and drove the enemy back. In this he was aided by the stragglers, who rallied and fought well. The Colonel was wounded by a b
— 70,089.Hannaford22, 10, 1867 63,886.Harris16, 4, 1867 56,213.Haines10, 7, 1866 64,970.Graham21, 5, 1867 43,308.Hartman28, 6, 1864 65,216.Hartman (anti-friction rollers)28, 5, 1866 59,596.Hartman13, 11, 1867 50,822.Hartman7, 11, 1865 79Hartman (anti-friction rollers)28, 5, 1866 59,596.Hartman13, 11, 1867 50,822.Hartman7, 11, 1865 79,334.Ferry30, 6, 1868 72,729.Fink31, 12, 1867 72,831.Ferry31, 12, 1867 66,312.Donehoo2, 7, 1867 59,965.Chapman27, 11, 1866 59,819.Clark20, 11, 1866 73,875.Clark28, 1, 1868 61,522.Donehoo29, 1, 1867 52,139.Christ and Stehman23, 1, 1866 RunniHartman13, 11, 1867 50,822.Hartman7, 11, 1865 79,334.Ferry30, 6, 1868 72,729.Fink31, 12, 1867 72,831.Ferry31, 12, 1867 66,312.Donehoo2, 7, 1867 59,965.Chapman27, 11, 1866 59,819.Clark20, 11, 1866 73,875.Clark28, 1, 1868 61,522.Donehoo29, 1, 1867 52,139.Christ and Stehman23, 1, 1866 Running-Rein. 67,837.Andrews (over-head)20, 8, 1867 69,893.Beans15, 10, 1867 66,941.Brown23, 7, 1867 80,897.Barnes11, 8, 1868 Running-Reins to pull on the Bit to check Horses, mostly in connection with Gag and Check Hook. 74,623.Smokey18,Hartman7, 11, 1865 79,334.Ferry30, 6, 1868 72,729.Fink31, 12, 1867 72,831.Ferry31, 12, 1867 66,312.Donehoo2, 7, 1867 59,965.Chapman27, 11, 1866 59,819.Clark20, 11, 1866 73,875.Clark28, 1, 1868 61,522.Donehoo29, 1, 1867 52,139.Christ and Stehman23, 1, 1866 Running-Rein. 67,837.Andrews (over-head)20, 8, 1867 69,893.Beans15, 10, 1867 66,941.Brown23, 7, 1867 80,897.Barnes11, 8, 1868 Running-Reins to pull on the Bit to check Horses, mostly in connection with Gag and Check Hook. 74,623.Smokey18, 2, 1868 Seitz26, 9, 1848 56,619.Sayre24, 7, 1866 2,780.Smith (driving-rein runs to martingale; does not involve the check)17, 9, 1842 2,510.Smith23, 3, 1842 73,042.Rice and Leach7, 1, 1868 59,937.Albright and Burns27, 11, 1866 79,932.Alexand
alike, so that it may be reversed when injured by wear. It is held on one side by a rabbet in the longitudinal sill upon which it is laid, and on the other by locking plates secured by bolts pass- ing through the sills and ties. A number of other forms might be mentioned. Tub′u-lar rein. One in which an additional or safety rein slips through the other rein, which is hollow. See the following patents: — 13,306. Goddard, July 24, 1855.61,512. Donehoo, Jan. 29, 1867. 59,596. Hartman, Nov. 13, 1866.65,721. Brook, June 11, 1867. Tub′u-lar steam-boil′--er. A steam-boiler in which the water is contained in tubes, upon whose outside the flame plays. The term tube, in this connection, is distinguished from flue. The flame traverses in the latter, but impinges on the outside of a tube. See Plate LXI. Napier's tubular boiler. Oliver Evans's boiler had a number of small watertubes, able to bear a great pressure and exposing a relatively large heating surface.
the views of shippers, and the market very dull. We quote these sales at $6.75 @ $7 for Superfine, $7.25 @ $7.50 for Extra; Family $8 Feathers — In demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Navassa, or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75 @ $3; No, 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25 @ $3.50 from store, No North Carolina in market.--Mackerel, large No. 3. new, $8.50; small do., $5. Flaxseed--$1.20 @ 1.40 per Bushel. Flour barrels--50 cts. Fruits.--Oranges--Havana, $9 per barrel. Sicily, $8 per box. Lemons--Malaga $5.50; French $8 per box. Raisins--(New crop)-
the views of shippers, and the Market very dull. We quote these Sales at $6.75 to $7 for Superfine, $7.25 to $7.50 for Extra; Family $8 Feathers--in demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply. Fertilizers.--we quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30: Navasota. Or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 ton; Robinson's Manipulated guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Anointed Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75 to $3; no. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25 to $3.50 from store. No North Carolina in Market.--MacKERELerel, large no. 3. New, $8.50; small do., $5. Flaxseed--$1.20 to 1.40 bushel. Flour Barrels--50 cts. Fruits.--Oranges--Havana. $9 per barrel. Sicily. $8 box. Lemons--Malaga $5.50; French $8 box. Raisins--(New crop —
e Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers — In demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Navassa, or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75 @$3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@$3.50 from store. No North Carolina in market.--Mackerel, large No. 3. new, $8.50; small No. 3, $5. Flaxseed--$1.20@1.40 bushel Flour.--We quote Superfine at $6.50@6.75; Extra $7@7.25; Family $7.75. Flour barrels--60 cts. Fruits.--Oranges--Havana. $9 per barrel.
cts; Seine Twine 27 cts; Carpet Warp 22 cts; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers — In demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Nombreto $30; Navassa, or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3 No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@$3.50 from store. No North Carolina in market.--Mackerel, large No. 3. new, $8.50; small do., $5. Flaxseed--$1.20@1.40 per bushel. Flour.--We still quote as last week; but there is so little doing that the rates may be considered nominal. To the trade, superfine $6.50@6.15; Extra 7
wine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.26 per bushel. Feathers — In demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Navassa, or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Ammoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$ No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.26@$3.50 from store. No North Carolina in market.--Mackerel, large No. 3, new, $8.50; small do., $5. Flaxseed--$1.20@1.40 per bushel. Flour.--There is nothing doing in Flour, except in the merest retail way. We quote it lower, however, even in this limited way. We quote Superfine
Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21@22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa. Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Amounted Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $28 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25 @ 3.50, from store. No North Carolina in market. Mackerel, large No. 3, new, $8.50; small do. $5. Flaxseed.--$1.20@1.40 per bushel. Flour.--The stock of country is reduced very low, and holders are firm. Sales only for home consumption. We quote Superfine $6.25@6.50 to the t
cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts. Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel. Feathers.--Dull at 44@45 cts. Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; A Mexican $25; Elide Island $48; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Nevassa or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manip-ulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $38 per ton. Fish.--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@$3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@3.50. from store. No North Carolina in market. Mackerel, large No. 3, new, $8.50; small do. $5. Flaxseed.--$1.20@1.40 per bushel Flour.--There are no sales for shipment. The stock of country is very limited, and sales confined to home consumption. We quote $5.25@8.50 for Superf
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