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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 132 0 Browse Search
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown 72 4 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 55 1 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 47 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 34 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 28 2 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 27 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 24 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 20 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 18, 1864., [Electronic resource] 19 1 Browse Search
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James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 6: making ready. (search)
riosity. They seemed to have no settled purpose; but a large number of boxes and packages were sent to them by railroad, which they carted home, and nearly every (lay one or more of them paid a visit to the village. They paid for every thing they wanted in hard cash, and were sociable and friendly towards their neighbors. A great deal of their time appeared to be passed in hunting in the mountains, although they never brought home any game. We strike at higher and wickeder game, said Mr. Hunter-acted, Captain Brown. On one occasion a neighbor remarked to Mr. Smith (as Old Brown was called) that he had observed twigs and branches bent down in a peculiar manner, which Smith explained by stating that it was the habit of the Indians, in travelling through a strange country, to mark their path in that way, so as to find their way back. He had no doubt, he said that Indians passed over these mountains, unknown to the inhabitants. These statements of conversations with John Brown m
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 9: fallen among thieves. (search)
ran a bayonet twice into the prostrate body of the old man. In the trial of Copeland, the following dialogue occurred: Mr. Sennott. You say that when Brown was down you struck him in the face with your sabre? Lieut. Green. Yes, sir. Mr. Sennott. This was after he was down? Lieut. Green. Yes, sir, he was down. Mr. Sennott. How many times, Lieut. Green, did you strike Brown in the face after he was down? Lieut. Green. Why, sir, he was defending himself with his gun. Mr Hunter. I hope the counsel for the defence will not press such questions as these. Mr. Sennott. Very well, sir. The scenes that followed this assault are so discreditable to Virginia-nay, to human nature — that I dare not trust myself to describe them; but will content myself with quoting the accounts of two ultra pro-slavery journalists. This is the report of the Baltimore American: When the insurgents were brought out, some dead and others wounded, they were greeted with execratio
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 10: spoils of war. (search)
informed of the mere handful of men who had created all this bobbery, he boiled over. In his wrath he said some good things. Indeed it was universally seen and felt that Governor Wise was just the man for such an occasion. Accompanied by Andrew Hunter, Esq., a distinguished lawyer of Jefferson County, the Governor presently repaired to the guard room where the two wounded prisoners lay, and there had a protracted and interesting conversation with the chief of the outlaws. It had more the ad lay as they fell. Brown was frank and communicative, answering all questions without reserve, except such as might implicate his immediate associates not yet killed or taken. I append such extracts from notes taken during conversation by Mr. Hunter: Brown avers that the small pamphlet, many copies of which were found on the persons of the slain and entitled Provisional Constitution and Ordinances for the People of the United States, was prepared by himself and adopted at a conventi
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, chapter 2.44 (search)
nor a broil there. When they returned to Harper's Ferry, the Virginia militia, who had been afraid to follow, now valiantly offered to go out to defend their fellow-citizens. But the limits of this volume will not permit me to recount how often and pusillanimously the Virginians acted. From the arrest of the Liberators till the death of their Chief, the shivering chivalry of the once gallant State of Virginia suffered from a chronic but ludicrously painful fright. Governor Wise and Mr. Hunter accompanied the prisoners to Charlestown, where they were lodged in jail, and placed under the charge of Capt. John Avis. Of the jail and jailer a trust-worthy writer says: Brown is as comfortably situated as any man can be in a jail. He has a pleasant room, which is shared by Stevens, whose recovery remains doubtful. He has opportunities of occupying himself by writing and reading. His jailer, Avis, was of the party who assisted in capturing him. Brown says, that Avis is one of
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 1: the preliminary examination. (search)
s seemed less injured than Brown, but looked haggard and depressed. Never before, in our Christian country, or in any other civilized land, were men, thus suffering and disabled, dragged from their beds of sickness to a Court of Justice, to be tried for a capital offence. Judge Jeffreys, of England, never fully equalled this atrocity; it needed, for its. perpetration, men brutalized by the influence of American slavery. Charles B. Harding, attorney for the County of Jefferson, and Andrew Hunter, counsel for the State, appeared for the prosecution. The Sheriff read the commitment of the prisoners, and the Prosecuting Attorney asked the Court that counsel might be assigned them. The Presiding Magistrate then inquired if the prisoners had counsel. John Brown replied: First speech in court. Virginians: I did not ask for any quarter at the time I was taken. I did not ask to have my life spared. The Governor of the State of Virginia tendered me his assurance that I shoul
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 2: Judicial alacrity. (search)
s, and what their answers are. If that could be allowed me, I should be very much obliged. Mr. Hunter said that the request was rather premature. The arraignment should be made, and this questiong held upright by two bailiffs. As soon as the prisoners had responded to the arraignment, Mr. Hunter rose and said, The State elects to try John Brown first. A discussion and decision, fit accoor three days. It seems to be but a reasonable request, and I hope the Court will grant it. Mr. Hunter said, he did not think it the duty of the prosecutor for the Commonwealth, or for one occupyined and jeopardized, as they supposed, by enemies. Mr. Harding concurred in the objection of Mr. Hunter, on the ground of danger in delay, and also because Brown was the leader of the insurrection, the reputation of the State, but that might tend to exculpate the defendant — for this is what Mr. Hunter's last orphic sentence meant; because there might be danger, if the request was granted, of a
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 3: State evidence. (search)
y, should arrive in Charlestown, the Court again refused to grant the request, and ordered the examination to proceed! Mr. Hunter, in opposing the request, involuntarily showed that he regarded the trial as a form only,--a mockery of justice, -and eindictment charged Insurrection, Treason, and Murder. John Brown pleaded Not Guilty. Arguments of the counsel. Mr, Hunter then stated the facts that he designed to prove by the evidence for the prosecution, and reviewed the laws relating to tholence was offered to them. These facts must be taken into consideration, and have their due weight with the jury. Mr. Hunter replied. The State law of treason, he argued, was more full than that of the Federal Constitution. It includes wit not only the civil authorities of State, but our own military; he is doubly, trebly, and quadruply guilty of treason. Mr. Hunter proceeded again to the question of jurisdiction over the Armory grounds, and examined the authority, cited on the other
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 4: State evidence closed. (search)
before his sufferings compelled him to retire. Mr. Hunter then laid before the Jury the printed Constitutiol that trouble. I am ready to face the music. Mr. Hunter. I prefer to prove them by Mr. Campbell. John rently about twenty-two years of age, the son of Andrew Hunter, Esq., who conducts the prosecution, was examineunless Brown had a knowledge of that shooting. Mr. Hunter said there was a deal of testimony about Brown's circumstances? Shall I mention the names? Mr. Andrew Hunter. Every bit of it, Henry; state all you saw. here belonging to this sharp-shooting band. Mr. Andrew Hunter. Will you allow him to state, before proceedinin which Mr. Beckham's life had been taken. Mr. Andrew Hunter. Is that all, gentlemen? Mr. Botts. Yes, sir. Mr. Andrew Hunter. (To the witness.) Stand aside. This sworn statement of a cold-blooded murder, by onwing morning. But it is due to the reputation of Mr. Hunter to say, that he resolutely resisted this action.
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 5: the defence. (search)
prisoner frequently complained that his men were shot down while carrying a flag of truce. Mr. Hunter again tried to arrest the production of evidence so disgraceful to the Virginians; but even th confine ourselves to a single one of them. He hoped that no such motion would be granted. Mr. Hunter, in reply to the argument of Mr. Chilton, said that the discretion of the Court compelling the too much for the Court to adjourn after the opening argument on behalf of the prosecution. Mr. Hunter said that he would cheerfully bear testimony to the unexceptionable manner in which the counse speeches by himself and Mr. Griswold, not occupying more than two hours and a half in all. Mr. Hunter again entered an earnest protest against delay. The Court then ordered the prosecution to proceed. Mr. Hunter spoke forty minutes, and ridiculed as absurd the expectation of the prisoner — that he should have been dealt with by the rules of honorable warfare! The Court then adjourned ti
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 6: lawyers' pleas. (search)
ely crowded. From the opening of the Court until the afternoon session, the counsel for the defence--Messrs. Griswold and Chilton--and for the prosecution--Messrs. Hunter and Harding--occupied the attention of the jury in arguing for and against the prisoner. I do not intend to pollute my pages with any sketch of the lawyers' in it. Unless the majesty of the law were supported, dissolution of the Union must soon ensue, with all the evils that must necessarily follow in its train. Mr. Hunter was true to his barbaric instincts to the last; eulogizing Wise to begin with, filling up his speech with the infamous maxims of iniquitous laws, and closing it are sworn to do. . . . Justice is the centre upon which Deity sits. There is another column which represents its mercy. You have nothing to do with that. Mr. Hunter closed his speech at half past 1 o'clock. During most of the arguments to-day, Brown lay on his back, with his eyes closed. Mr. Chilton asked the Court