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udice and party passion can not live. In conclusion, I again thank you for the honor you have thought proper to confer upon me, and hope that your action may redound to the good of the State and of the Union. the Convention then proceeded to elect a Secretary. Mr. Tredway, of Pittsylvania, nominated Stephen C. Whittle, of Powhatan, who was Secretary of the Constitutional Convention of 1850. Mr. Patrick, of Kanawha, nominated Green Peyton, of Albemarle. Mr. Barbour, of Jefferson, nominated Samuel. T. Walker, of Rockingham. Mr. Barbour, of Culpeper, nominated Zephaniah T. Turner, of Bappahannock. Mr. Southall, of Albemarie, seconded the nomination of Green Peyton, and urged his election. Mr. Moore, of Rockbridge, nominated John L. Eubank, of the city of Richmond. Mr. Garland, of Amherst, seconded the nomination of Mr. Eubank. Mr. Scott of Fauquier, seconded the nomination of Mr. Turner. Mr. Leare, of Goochland, nominated S. Bassett Fr
Supreme Court of Appeals. --This Court is still in session in this city. The following decisions have been rendered since the commencement of the term: Still vs. Owen — argued by Tucker and Patton for appellant, and D. Marr for appellee.--Decree of the Circuit Court of Pittsylvania affirmed. Holmead, &c., vs. Murphy — argued by Tazewell Taylor for plaintiffs and David May for defendant. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Norfolk city affirmed. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company vs. Chandler-- argued by W. W. Crump and R. T. Daniel for plaintiff and Howard & Sands for defendant. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Caroline affirmed. Sellman & Crook vs. McPherson's administrator, and the same vs. McPherson — argued by Andrew Hunter for plaintiffs and Tucker and Patton for defendants. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Jefferson rever
It is plain that there has been a great alienation of feeling between the North and the South; an alienation growing out of education, religion and polities of the Northern people. For forty years it has been growing, until it has culminated in the triumph of a purely sectional party, on the merit of hostility to the South, and the opinion that Southern civilization is barbarism. At the beginning of the crusade, the Fathers of the Republic were terrified at its threatening aspect. Mr. Jefferson said it struck him like the fire-bell at night, and filled his mind with dread for the fate of his country. Mr. Clay strained all the powers of his eloquence, finally with success, to save his country from it for the time. Yet the tide swept on, and, after repeated convulsions, the great Kentucky, or, rather, American orator, was again compelled to throw himself into the breach eleven years ago, and his last signal achievement was again to preserve his country from the gulf of dissolut
arning, but the Electoral votes being counted peacefully, were not wanted. Gov. Hicks was before the special (conspiracy) committee to-day. He said, that from private letters and newspaper articles, he thought there would be a disturbance at the inauguration, and attempted seizure of public buildings. He, however, has no such fears now as he had in January. John C. Wright, of Cincinnati, attending the Peace Conference, died in this city to-day of pneumonia. The Secretary of the Treasury has advertised for a loan of $8,000,000, under a recent act of Congress. The Chief Engineer of the Ordnance Department has modified his former estimates in regard to the fortifications, excluding all appropriations South of the Chesapeake, except Forts Calhoun, in Virginia, and Jefferson and Taylor in Florida. The War Department speaks of the importance of the two last for Gulf depots, and says that $150,000 might be advantageously expended in officering and strengthening them.