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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.6 (search)
January-February, 1878). In this he denied that Lee gave him the order to attack at sunrise on Julyat his conclusions were calculated to place General Lee's reputation in great jeopardy. If the read to fall back upon his personal loyalty to General Lee and his personal knowledge of Lee's conducthead of his column was more than two miles from Lee's headquarters, on Seminary Ridge. McLaws wrotearly in the morning. Just after I arrived General Lee sent for me, as the head of my column was hconcerning the time of the conversation held by Lee, Longstreet, Hill and Hood is this: During the to the Emmitsburg road. No, General, said General Lee, I want his division perpendicular to the Eat when the First corps arrived, about 8 A. M., Lee at once gave specific orders to the leading diverts that the troops of McLaws and Hood reached Lee's headquarters at sunrise on the morning of Julvisions pause and wait for Laws' brigade, after Lee's departure to another post upon the field. In[42 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Oration and tender of the monument. (search)
ing population of about 13,000. The soldiers of Florida came not only from every section of the State and every vocation in life, but also from every age, indeed from the cradle to the grave. What a glorious record and what convincing proof that they battled for what they believed to be right. As the years come and go, their patriotic service will be remembered as long as men shall admire and love heroic virtue. Confederate veterans, survivors of the Lost Cause, you who marched with Lee and Jackson and Johnston and Bragg. You who heard the thunder of guns at Sharpsburg and Gettysburg and Shiloh, and Perryville and Chickamauga, though the cause for which you fought was engulfed in the fiery waves of war and lost, the conclusion must not be, that therefore it was unjust and wrong. The failure of a right cause does not make it wrong any more than does the success of a wrong cause make it right. If the cause for which our Revolutionary forefathers struggled for more than se
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.35 (search)
is flanks as his army marched southward. General Lee's plans. Lee at once comprehended this ps he thought prudent. With his usual boldness, Lee did not hesitate to post the two wings of his aof the Confederacy without being intercepted by Lee; but when he attempted to force his advance towchful Stuart promptly reported his movements to Lee, who ordered Longstreet from Culpeper and placemy to approach so near to Richmond. Therefore, Lee, always obedient to superior orders, prepared t Federal forces upon Virginia soil. Wherefore, Lee immediately set to work and selected and hastilinter, and many were even without muskets; yet, Lee said, in a letter written at that time, that hirn array. In anticipation of the coming fray, Lee joined Jackson to witness the opening. Meade's15th, Burnside desired to renew his attack upon Lee's right, but he found all his subordinates bittan assult with the bayonet after nightfall, but Lee would not permit this to be done. In a letter [19 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sick and wounded Confederate soldiers at Hagerstown and Williamsport. (search)
ntains nearly three hundred names. Governor Tyler has received from Dr. J. M. Gaines, of Hagerstown, Md., late surgeon 18th Virginia infantry, Garnett's brigade, Pickett's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia, a complete list of the sick and wounded Confederate soldiers left at Williamsport, Pa., and Hagerstown, Md., after the battle of Gettysburg, from July 13 to August 12, 1863. Dr. Gaines made the report of the number of inmates of these hospitals. By order of General Lee, he was left at Williamsport to care for the wounded of the Army of Northern Virginia. After the hospital was established in Hagerstown, Dr. Gaines was sent thither by the Federal authorities to care for his wounded comrades. He remained with the wounded and sick until most of them were sent North, chiefly to Chester, Pa. Dr. Gaines was sent to Chester, and had charge of the ward of the Confederate sick and wounded until they were sent to Point Lookout. Dr. Gaines was sent to Fort Delaw
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The monument to Mosby's men. (search)
s the first public official notice of me by General Lee since General Grant came to Virginia. The The news was sent in haste because I knew General Lee's anxiety about the movement up the Valley, was the effect of the victories of Jackson and Lee? The government of the United States was born hmond, crossed James river, and was in front of Lee at Petersburg. My battalion remained in northeily offered us the same parole he had given General Lee, after Stanton had proclaimed me an outlaw,er heard of it before he got my letter. If General Lee had ordered me to murder my prisoners, I woined them if I had wanted to; neither could General Lee. My report says: Such was the indignatirses were brought off, but no prisoners. General Lee's approval is endorsed on the report. Any and in many instances reporting directly to General Lee himself. In the hour of victory, General Gs magnanimous to Mosby and his men as he was to Lee and his veterans. No sentiment that I uttered
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel Mosby Indicts Custer for the hanging. (search)
le by the Confederates, and pathetically describes the conflagration. He ought to know that there had been burning of mills and wheat stacks in Loudoun two years before Grant came to Virginia. Grant's orders were no more directed against my command than Early's. Augusta and Rockingham were desolated, where we never had been. But I can't see the slightest connection between burning forage and provisions and hanging prisoners. One is permitted by the code of war, the other is not. After General Lee's surrender I received a communication from General Hancock asking for mine. I declined to do so until I could hear whether Joe Johnston would surrrender or continue the war. We agreed on a five days armistice. When it expired nothing had been heard from Johnston. I met a flag of truce at Millwood, and had proposed an extension of ten days, but received through Major Russell a message from Hancock refusing it, and informing me that unless I surrendered immediately he would proceed to d
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.40 (search)
Confederate Generals—their ability. [from the Richmond, Va., Times, November 11, 1900.] Did General Lee counsel the abandonment of Richmond after the battle of the Wilderness? [To the imputation of remissness in Southern newspapers generally, in defending the history of the Confederacy protest may justly be made. It is felt that there is not one but by whom it is ardently cherished, and that every one is ready, at all times, to defend its history—the motives and actions of its people.—Editor.] Editor of the Times. Sir—I quote from your beautiful editorial, Robert E. Lee, of January 19th, ulto: The other Confederate armies had as good material in their ranks as Lee's army had, but they accomplished little in comparison with what his army accomplished, and why? Because they had no Lee to make the army as one man. This is the highest tribute that can be paid to man, and no other man that ever lived can claim it in the same proportion as Lee can. It is most depl
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.45 (search)
ens. I have directed Colonel Mosby, through his adjutant, to hang an equal number of Custer's men in retaliation for those executed by him. (Signed,) R. E. Lee, General. (Second endorsement.) November 14, 1864. Adjutant General: General Lee's instructions are cordially approved. In addition, if our citizens are found exposed on any captured train, signal vengeance should be taken on all conductors and officers found on it and every male passenger of the enemy's country as prisonen to be treated with the humanities of war. I have never been called in question for this act although I assumed all responsibility for it. It will be observed in this letter I justify what I did and make no allusion to the instructions of General Lee—or the Confederate Secretary of War, Mr. Seddon. They were both then living, but I would not take refuge under their names, although I was then, and am now, in possession of the original document with their endorsements on it. To have done s
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.46 (search)
long been a problem to many of us, not only how Lee's army was ever able to reach Appomattox Courths corps did, and succeed in absolutely blocking Lee's further progress from Appomattox. The contneral Grant to concentrate and throw around General Lee's right more men than the latter had in hise yet confronting and threatening every part of Lee's lines with superior forces. Hence the probow did they ever get away from Petersburg? General Lee, in his dispatch of April 2, announcing thee of one company of artillery, a single unit of Lee's army, whose proudest memory is that they sharo orders, and it is safe to say that so long as Lee ordered, their confidence was unimpaired in theacts from official reports. General Pendleton, Lee's chief of artillery, says: The evening of the hat artillery supported by any two divisions of Lee's infantry could not be stampeded by cavalry. e. Their motives were the same as those of General Lee, and in their humble sphere they had tried [4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
of; his services to Tulane University, 301. Kaigler, Captain, Wm., 92. Kershaw, General J. B., 56. Lacy, James B., 51. Lamb, Hon., John, 231. Lang, Col., David, 192. Lee, General, Fitzhugh, 126. Lee, General R. E., 42, 73, 269, 290, 317. Lee. Mrs. Susan P., 40. Legal worthies of Virginia, 353. Lincoln, President, Platform of, 79; his emancipation proclamation, 80; character and religious opinions, 165, 369: his assumption and duplicity, 365; hated by his Cabinet; suppressed bill Price, Dr. Henry M., 38. Purcell Battery, Gallantry of, at Cedar Run, 89. Quincey, Josiah, 65. Ramseur, General S. D., killed, 7. Reprisal or retaliation in war, 270, 314. Richards, Major E. A., Address of, 253. Richmond, Did General Lee counsel its abandonment? 290. Richmond City, gunboat, 221. Rich Mountain campaign in 1861, 38. Rockbridge county, Roster of Company C, 1st Virginia cavalry, from, 377. Rodes, General R E., killed, 5 Ropes, John Codman, historian,