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The other orders were disposed of, and the House, rose. Opinions of the English paper. We take some extracts from the London journals, of the 1st inst., commenting upon the debate in Parliament: The London Times says Mr. Roebuck has failed to show that any good would ensue from the House adopting his motion. The speech of Mr. Gladstone, who opposed the motion, may be taken as an exposition of enlightened English opinion on the subject. He condiment the war, he condemns Mr. Lincoln's incitements to servile rebellion, but he denies that England and France can abate the miseries of the contest by such an act as the recognition of the South. He believes that the South can maintain its independence, and that it would be expedient for the Federal to assist from a hopeless, and, therefore, unjustifiable war. The Times says it is plainly our duty, as well as our policy, to bear with this misguided people for some time longer. It is the opinion of the best judges that the
hould induce our military authorities to relax in their preparations. Yet, as we expressed ourselves the other day, we are not without hopes from the spontaneous burst of feeling which the conscription has produced. It at least indicates that the masses are violently opposed — not to the war itself — but to serving in the war themselves. They are very willing to have their neighbors shot at, but they have no fancy for having their own bodies converted into targets by an act of Congress. Lincoln may be able to put them down by military force, and to drag them to the field by means of the same appliances. But we greatly doubt whether he will not be deterred from attempting it, in the face of Governor Seymour's declaration that every citizen's right to appeal to the courts shall be maintained, and of the decision of the Supreme Court upon certain of those appeals. We cannot agree with some of our contemporaries that this is a case parallel to that of revolutionary France, which
od of accomplishing this purpose is to kill off Democrats, stuff the ballot-boxes with bogus soldier votes, and deluge recusant districts with negro suffrages. The crafty, quiet way in which the enrollment has been carried on forestalled both criticism and opposition. Nevertheless, the work has neither been fairly performed, nor has it been thorough. And now that it is over the people are notified that one out of about two and a half of our citizens are destined to be brought off into Messrs. Lincoln & Company's church house God forbid! We hope that instant measures will be taken to prevent the outrage, and to secure such a decision from our Courts as will exempt New York from further compelled participation in the suicidal war which is desolating the land. If the workingmen of this city are disinclined to be forced into a fight for emancipation, let them clamor so long for peace that their voices shall be potential with our rulers. It is a strange perversion of the laws of sel