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housand, and some more. It is generally thought that Geo. B. McClellan has 95,000 men under him. General McDowell has comman was out, or nearly so, they did not care to fight. "McClellan is very generally liked by the men. He is so kind to everhe morning that your men left Munson's hill we heard that McClellan had slept in Fairfax Court-House, and there was great cheering at the news. I have heard it said that McClellan is not ready to advance and will not be for two months, and that he w mark by at least half a mile. These shots were fired by McClellan in person, and did not reflect great credit upon his skil "I was standing on the parapet of the fort when Geo. B. McClellan and his staff came by. He said to me, 'Young man, do — d if I don't give them a shot.' I rammed the piece, and McClellan aimed and fired. We all saw the shells fell short or bure above another man has arrived from Washington. He says McClellan has near 25,000 cavalry. The Federals are expecting an a
A portion of the troops under Brigadier General Porter also advanced and occupied Miner's hill, to the right of Falls Church, and commanding that village and Barrett's hill, which latter is now in possession of the rebel pickets. General McClellan and staff, accompanied by Captain Baker's McClellan Dragoons, crossed over the Chain Bridge at an early hour this morning, spending the whole day in making reconnaissances of the new positions taken by the National forces. A Raid on thr European files and correspondence are of great interest. The Russian Minister returned. Baron Ceroit, the Prussian Minister, returned to Washington last evening. Soldiers must not Ride. A general order has been issued by General McClellan to prevent soldiers from riding in loaded wagons or in empty wagons, except by special permission; to prevent knapsacks being thus carried, except in case of sickness, and then upon the written recommendation of the Surgeon; to prevent tent
The Daily Dispatch: October 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], The danger of rebellion in the North! (search)
al. The Marylanders in Virginia inflame the public mind by representing that in Baltimore especially no man is safe, that women are ravished with impunity, and that the "Yankees" are let loose on the community to pillage and destroy. The gentleman referred to states that he was lately at Matthias Point, where he saw batteries and heavy guns, that the rebels profess to be able to close the Potomac any day they wish but, that they will not do so, however, before they are prepared to attack McClellan and move on Washington, which they pretended they would do shortly. He represents that the troops arriving from the South are well armed and clothed, and that he heard of no dissatisfaction. The prevailing idea in Richmond is, that the rebel army will winter in Philadelphia, not even stopping in Washington or Baltimore. Mr. Ely and several officers have been sent to Charleston. The New York Zouaves, the 69th and 79th prisoners, were taken to New Orleans. Two or three hundred go South