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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 47 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 31 3 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 28 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 9 1 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 4 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 4 4 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 3 1 Browse Search
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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
(Raines's), Rockbridge (Va.) Art. (Poague's battery). Hill's Division, Maj.-Gen. Daniel H. Hill:--Ripley's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Roswell S. Ripley, Col. George Doles; 4th Ga., Col. George Doles; 44th Ga., Capt. Key; 1st N. C., Lieut.-Col. H. A. Brown; 3d N. C., Col. William L. De Rosset. Rodes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes; 3d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Maj. E. L. Hobson ; 6th Ala., Col. J. B. Gordon; 12th Ala., Col. B. B. Gayle and Lieut.-Col. S. B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal. Garland's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel Garland, Jr., Col. D. K. McRae; 5th N. C., Col. D. K. McRae and Capt. T. M. Garrett; 12th N. C., Capt. S. Snow; 13th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Thomas Ruffin, Jr.; 20th N. C., Col. Alfred Iverson; 23d N. C., Col. D. H. Christie. Anderson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George B. Anderson, Col. R. T. Bennett; 2d N. C., Col. C. C. Tew and Capt. G. M. Roberts; 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes and Capts. W. T. Marsh and D. P. Latham; 14th N. C., Col. R. T. Bennett; 30th N.
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
ston. Ramseur's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. S. D. Ramseur; 2d N. C., Maj. D. W. Hurtt, Capt. James T. Scales; 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes; 14th N. C., Col. R. Tyler Bennett, Maj. Joseph H. Lambeth; 30th N. C., Col. Francis M. Parker, Maj. W. W. Sillers. O'Neal's Brigade, Col. E. A. O'Neal; 3d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Col. J. M. Hall; 6th Ala., Col. J. N. Lightfoot, Capt. M. L. Bowie; 12th Ala., Col. S. B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Lieut.-Col. John C. Goodgame. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. CarteCol. E. A. O'Neal; 3d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Col. J. M. Hall; 6th Ala., Col. J. N. Lightfoot, Capt. M. L. Bowie; 12th Ala., Col. S. B. Pickens; 26th Ala., Lieut.-Col. John C. Goodgame. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. Carter; Jeff Davis (Ala.) Art., Capt. W. J. Reese; King William (Va.) Art., Capt. W. P. Carter; Morris (Va.) Art., Capt. R. C. M. Page; Orange (Va.) Art., Capt. C. W. Fry. Artillery Reserve, Col. J. Thompson Brown; 1st Va. Art., Capt. Willis J. Dance; 2d Richmond (Va.) Howitzers, Capt. David Watson; 3d Richmond (Va.) Howitzers, Capt. B. H. Smith, Jr.; Powhatan (Va.) Art., Lieut. John M. Cunningham; Rockbridge (Va.) Art., Capt. A. Graham; Salem (Va.) Art., Lieut. C. B. Griffin; Nelson's Battn., Lieut
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at Williamsburg, Va. (search)
Col. D. K. McRae; 23d N. C., Col. John P. Hoke, Maj. Daniel H. Christie; 24th Va., Col. William R. Terry (w), Major Richard L. Maury; 38th Va., Lieut.-Col. Powhatan B. Whittle. Brigade loss (except 5th N. C., not reported): k, 30; w, 106; m, 70=206. Rodes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes: 5th Ala., Col. C. C. Pegues; 6th Ala., Col. John B. Gordon; 12th Ala., Col. R. T. Jones; 12th Miss., Col. W. H. Taylor. Rains's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. G. J. Rains: 13th Ala., Col. B. D. Fry; 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal; 6th Ga., Col. A. H. Colquitt; 23d Ga., Col. Thos. Hutcherson. Featherston's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. S. Featherston: 27th Ga., Col. Levi B. Smith; 28th Ga., Col. T. J. Warthen; 4th N. C., Col. George B. Anderson; 49th Va., Col. William Smith. Unattached: 2d Fla., Col. George T. Ward (k); 2d Miss. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. John G. Taylor. Unattached loss: k, 9; w, 61; m, 11 = 81. cavalry Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart: 3d Va., Col. Thomas F. Goode; 4th Va., Maj. William H. Payne (w
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Opposing forces at Seven Pines, May 31-June 1, 1862. (search)
Brigade loss: k, 98; w, 600; in, 42 = 740. Rodes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes (w), Col. John B. Gordon: 5th Ala., Col. C. C. Pegues; 6th Ala., Col. John B. Gordon ; 12th Ala., Col. R. T. Jones (k), Lieut.-Col. B. B. Gayle; 12th Miss., Col. W. H. Taylor; 4th Va. Battalion, Capt. C. C. Otey (k), Capt. John R. Bagby; Va. Battery, Capt. Thomas H. Carter. Brigade loss: k, 241; w, 853; m, 5 = 1099. Rains's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Gabriel J. Rains: 13th Ala., Col. D. B. Fry (w); 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal (w); 6th Ga.; 23d Ga. Featherston's Brigade, Col. George B. Anderson: 27th Ga., Col. Levi B. Smith (w), Lieut.-Col. Charles T. Zachry; 28th Ga., Capt. John N. Wilcox; 4th N. C., Maj. Bryan Grimes; 49th Va., Col. William Smith (w). Brigade loss: k, 149; w, 680; m. 37 = 866. Huger's division, Brig.-Gen. Benjamin Huger. Armistead's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Lewis A. Armistead: 5th Va. Battalion; 9th Va., Col. D. J. Godwin (w); 14th Va.; 53d Va., Col. H. B. Tomlin. Mahone's Brigade, Brig.-
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.42 (search)
w, 236==292. Maryland Line: 1st Inf., Col. Bradley T. Johnson; A, Cav., Capt. Ridgely Brown; Balto. Battery, Capt. J. B. Brockenbrough. Maryland line loss: k, 3; w, 8==11. Hill's division, Maj.-Gen. Daniel H. Hill. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Robert E. Rodes, Col. John B. Gordon: 3d Ala., Lieut.-Col. Charles Forsyth, Maj. Robert M. Sands; 5th Ala., Col. C. C. Pegues (m w), Maj. E. L. Hobson; 6th Ala., Col. John B. Gordon, Maj. B. G. Baldwin; 12th Ala., Col. B. B. Gayle; 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal; Va. Battery (King William Arty.), Capt. Thomas H. Carter. Brigade loss: k, 112; w, 458 == 570. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George B. Anderson (w), Col. C. C. Tew: 2d N. C., Col. C. C. Tew; 4th N. C., Col. E. A. Osborne; 14th N. C., Lieut.-Col. William A. Johnston; 30th N. C., Col. Francis M. Parker; Ala. Battery, Capt. R. A. Hardaway. Brigade loss: k, 159; w, 704-863. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel Garland, Jr.: 5th N. C., Col. D. K. McRae; 12th N. C., Col. Benjamin C. Wade; 13th N
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces in the Maryland campaign. (search)
y's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Roswell S. Ripley (w), Col. George Doles: 4th Ga., Col. George Doles; 44th Ga., Capt. John C. Key; 1st N. C., Lieut.-Col. Hamilton A. Brown; 3d N. C., Col. William L. De Rosset (w). Brigade loss: South Mountain and Antietam, k, 110; w, 506; m, 124 = 740. Rodes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes (w): 3d Ala., Col. C. A. Battle; 5th Ala., Maj. E. L. Hobson: 6th Ala., Col. J. B. Gordon (w), Lieut.-Col. J. N. Lightfoot (w): 12th Ala., Col. B. B. Gayle (k); 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal (w). Brigade loss: South Mountain, k, 61; w, 157; m, 204 = 422. Antietam, k, 50; w, 132; m, 21 = 203. Garland's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel Garland, Jr., (k), Col. D. K. McRae (w): 5th N. C., Col. D. K. McRae, Capt. Thomas M. Garrett; 12th N. C., Capt. S. Snow; 13th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Thomas Ruffin, Jr. (w), Capt. J. H. Hyman; 20th N. C., Col. Alfred Iverson; 23d N. C., Col. Daniel H. Christie. Brigade loss: South Mountain and Antietam, k, 46; w, 210; m, 187 = 443. Anderson's Brigade,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Atlanta campaign. May 3d-September 8th, 1864. (search)
Hufstedler, Maj. L. L. Noles, Capt. E. C. Woodson; Gholson's Brigade, Temporarily attached, July 28. Col. John McQuirk; Youngblood's Battalion, Temporarily attached, July 28. Maj.----Youngblood. Cantey's Brigade, Col. V. S. Murphey, Col. E. A. O'Neal: 17th Ala., Col. V. S. Murphey, Maj. T. J. Burnett, Capt. T. A. McCane; 26th Ala., Col. E. A. O'Neal, Maj. D. F. Bryan; 29th Ala., Col. J. F. Conoley, Capt. J. A. Foster; 37th Miss., Col. O. S. Holland, Lieut.-Col. W. W. Wier, Maj. S. H. TeCol. E. A. O'Neal, Maj. D. F. Bryan; 29th Ala., Col. J. F. Conoley, Capt. J. A. Foster; 37th Miss., Col. O. S. Holland, Lieut.-Col. W. W. Wier, Maj. S. H. Terral. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. S. C. Williams. Waddell's Battalion: Ala. Battery, Capt. W. D. Emery; Ala. Battery, Lieut. F. A. O'Neal, Capt. R. H. Bellamy; Mo. Battery, Capt. O. W. Barret, Lieut. William Brown. Myrick's Battalion, Maj. J. D. Myrick: La. Battery, Capt. A. Bouanchaud, Lieut. E. C. Legendre; Miss. Battery, Capt. J. J. Cowan, Lieut. G. H. Tompkins; Tenn. Battery, Capt. R. L. Barry, Lieut. E., L. Watkins. Storrs's Battalion, Maj. George S. Storrs: Ala. Battery, Capt. John J. Ward
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
eating, and I ordered the Alabama brigade, Colonel O'Neal commanding, to advance rapidly upon the toed; Doles on the left, Rodes' old brigade, Colonel O'Neal commanding, in the centre, and Iverson on e woods except Doles' and a portion of Rodes' (O'Neal's) brigade, but all were subjected to some losance, and at the same moment gave in person to O'Neal the order to attack, indicating to him preciseeen so disposed as to support both Iverson and O'Neal, was ordered forward, and was hurled by its cole, exhibiting marked coolness and courage. O'Neal's shattered troops, which had assembled withousecond line--i. e., the brigades of Daniel and O'Neal (excepting the Fifth Alabama). These brigades ohnson, and to those of General Daniel and Colonel O'Neal, herewith filed. This order left me powright's line. Rodes' (old) brigade, under Colonel O'Neal, the first to arrive, was deployed behind ch commanded the ridges occupied by Wright and O'Neal. The enemy attacked in force, driving the fro[11 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General B. E. Rodes' report of the battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
he second line of battle, then at a halt, except the Stonewall brigade, which was moving under orders from the left to the right of the plank road. I ordered Colonel O'Neal not to wait on this movement but to advance his brigade over the second line. At this moment Colonel O'Neal was disabled by a fragment of a shell, and in perColonel O'Neal was disabled by a fragment of a shell, and in person I made his right regiment, the Third Alabama, press forward through the troops, and sent a staff officer with directions to Colonel Hall, who succeeded to the command, to continue his advance. The first line was in turn overtaken and passed, but the confusion arising from passing the two lines, caused the two regiments on theM. L. Randolph, signal corps. The last named officer was remarkable among all these brave and accomplished officers, for his daring coolness and efficiency. Colonel O'Neal, commanding Rodes' brigade, deserves especial notice for his gallantry. It is proper to mention that Colonel W. R. Cox, of the Second North Carolina, was w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--official reports. (search)
and the assault was renewed with great determination. Shortly after, the enemy moved forward to recapture the line of breastworks which had been taken the night previous, but was repulsed with great slaughter. Daniel's and Rodes' brigade (Colonel O'Neal commanding) of Rodes' division having reported to me, two other assualts were made; both failed — the enemy were too securely entrenched and in too great number to be dislodged by the force at my command. In the meantime, a demonstration is brave men. For particular instances of gallantry, I have the honor to refer you to the reports of brigade and regimental commanders herewith transmitted. I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the gallantry of Brigadier-General Daniel and Colonel O'Neal, and to Brigadier-General Smith and their brigades while under my command. We marched on the 5th across the mountain by Waynesboroa towards Hagerstown, and remained for a few days within three miles of the latter place. Thence the divis