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Markham1675. John Whitmore1678. John Greenland1678. Daniel Woodward1679. Isaac Fox1679. Stephen Willis1680. Thomas Willis1680. John Hall1680. Gersham Swan1684. Joseph Angier1684. John Bradshaw1685. Stephen Francis1685. Peter Tufts1686. Jonathan Tufts1690. John Tufts1690. Simon Bradstreet1695. The following owned lands in Medford before 1680:-- William Dady.Increase Nowell. Rob. Broadick.Zachary Symmes. Mrs. Anne Higginson.John Betts. Caleb Hobart.Jotham Gibons. John Palmer.Richard Stilman. Nicholas Davidson.Mrs. Mary Eliot. The lands of Medford were apportioned to the first settlers according to the decision of the Court of May 1, 1629; and Josselyn speaks of the town, in 1638, as a scattered village. We suppose that the three forts, or brick houses, were placed conveniently for the protection of all the inhabitants. If so, the first settlers occupied the land near the river, on its north bank, from the old brick house on Ship Street to the west bri
es Devens,Massachusetts,1873-74 John F. Hartranft,Pennsylvania,1875-76 John C. Robinson,New York,1877-78 William Earnshaw,Ohio,1879 Louis Wagner,Pennsylvania,1880 George S. Merrill,Massachusetts,1881 Paul Van Dervoort,Nebraska,1882 Robert B. Beath,Pennsylvania,1883 John S. Kountz,Ohio,1884 S. S. Burdett,Dist. of Columbia,1885 Lucius Fairchild,Wisconsin,1886 John P. Rea,Minnesota,1887 William Warner,Missouri,1888 Russell A. Alger,Michigan,1889 Wheelock G. Veazey,Vermont,1890 John Palmer,New York,1891 A. G. Weissert,Wisconsin,1892 John G. B. Adams,Massachusetts,1893 Thomas G. Lawler,Illinois,1894 Ivan N. Walker,Indiana,1895 T. S. Clarkson,Nebraska,1896 John P. S. Gobin,Pennsylvania,1897 James A. Sexton,Illinois,1898 W. C. Johnson,Ohio,1899 Albert D. Shaw,New York,1899 Leo Rassieur,Missouri,1900 Ell Torrence,Minnesota,1901 Thomas J. Stewart,Pennsylvania,1902 John C. Black,Illinois,1903 Wilmon W. Blackmar,Massachusetts,1904 John R. King,Maryland,1904 James T
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grand army of the republic, the. (search)
, Nebraska. 17. Denver, Col., 1883; Robert B. Beatte, Pennsylvania. 18. Minneapolis, Minn., 1884; John S. Kountz, Ohio. 19. Portland, Me., 1885; S. S. Burdett, Washington. 20. San Francisco, Cal., 1886; Lucius Fairchild, Wisconsin. 21. St. Louis, Mo., 1887; John P. Rea, Minnesota. 22. Columbus, O., 1888; William Warner, Missouri. 23. Milwaukee, Wis., 1889; Russell A. Alger, Michigan. 24. Boston, Mass., 1890; Wheelock G. Veasey, Vermont. 25. Detroit, Mich., 1891; John Palmer, New York. 26. Washington, 1892; A. G. Weissert, Wisconsin. 27. Indianapolis, Ind., 1893; John G. B. Adams, Massachusetts. 28. Pittsburg, Pa., 1894; Thomas G. Lawler, Illinois. 29. Louisville, Ky., 1895; Ivan N. Walker, Indiana. 30. St. Paul, Minn., 1896; Thaddeus S. Clarkson, Nebraska. 31. Buffalo, N. Y., 1897; John P. S. Gobin, Pennsylvania. 32. Cincinnati, O., 1898; Died Feb. 5, 1899. James A. Sexton, Illinois. 33. Cincinnati, O., 1898; W. C. Johnson, Ohio.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stage-coaches, (search)
n and Manchester stage-coach made the trip, 187 miles, in three days regularly, afterwards Travelling by stage coach. reduced to nineteen hours, and the London and Edinburgh stage-coach ultimately made the distance between these cities, 400 miles, in forty hours, including all stops, etc., the roads being excellent, the coaches and service admirable, and the number of horses equal to the number of miles—namely, 400—and the relays frequent. The first mail-coach was set up at Bristol by John Palmer, Aug. 2, 1784. In the United States the first stage was run between New York City and Boston, 1732, probably not regularly and not long continued. In 1756 there was one stage-coach running between New York City and Philadelphia, distance ninety miles, time, three days. In 1765 a second stage-coach was put on. In 1790 the line was increased to four coaches, and in 1811 there were four coaches each way daily. The first line, named the Expedition, from Philadelphia to Paulus Hook —time,<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stoneman, George 1822-1894 (search)
ody, advanced on Christiansburg, and, sending troops east and west, destroyed about 90 miles of the railroad. Then he turned his force southward (April 9, 1865), and struck the North Carolina Railway between Danville and Greensboro. He sent Colonel Palmer to destroy the railway between Salisbury and Greensboro and the factories at Salem, N. C., while the main body moved on Salisbury, forcing the Yadkin at Huntsville (April 11, and skirmishing near there. Palmer captured a South Carolina regimPalmer captured a South Carolina regiment of 400 men. Ten miles east of Salisbury (which was a depot for Union prisoners) the raiders encountered 3,000 Confederates, under Pemberton, Grant's opponent at Vicksburg. He had eighteen guns. This force was charged by the brigades of Gillem and Brown; its guns were captured, also 3,000 small-arms, and a large collection of ammunition, provisions, and clothing, and over 1,200 men were made prisoners. The Confederates, who fled, were chased several miles. At Salisbury the raiders destro
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 1: Ancestry.—1764-1805. (search)
icete, on p.5.) the twenty-fourth, that of his father-in-law, Daniel Palmer. The latter's portion consisted of two lots forty rods long upon the river, and Hatheway's Hist. New Brunswick, pp. 10, 11. some six miles (five hundred and fifty chains) in depth across the intervale towards Grand Lake. The western boundary of its frontage was just opposite the lower end of Middle Island; the river here being from one-third to half a mile in width. Daniel Palmer was great-grandson of Sergeant John Palmer (who, as a youth of seventeen, is reported to have come to Rowley in 1639) by a second wife, Margaret Northend. On the side of his mother, Mary Stickney, he was great-grandson of William Stickney, the founder of that family in this country, and of Captain Samuel Brocklebank, who was slain, with nearly all his April 21, 1676. command, by the Indians at Sudbury, in King Philip's War. Born at Rowley, in 1712, Daniel Palmer married in 1736 Elizabeth Wheeler, of Chebacco (a part of Ip
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
May, 1864. Rev. Stephen G. Bulfinch, Columbian, Wash. 1827, D. D. 1864, was pastor from Sept., 1865, to July, 1869, and died in 1870. He was succeeded by Rev. Samuel W. McDaniel, in Nov., 1869, who resigned, July, 1874. The parish is now destitute of a pastor. Deacons. Elected.Held office until Cornelius ClarkJan. 27, 1830ResignedJan. 3, 1833 Abraham P. ShermanApril 3, 1831ResignedDec. 2, 1851 Robert VinalJan. 3, 1833ResignedFeb. 1846 George NewhallDec. 3, 1851DiedMay 24, 1869 John PalmerMay 6, 1855 Second Baptist.—As early as 1824, several persons residing in East Cambridge, being members of Baptist churches in Boston and elsewhere, established a Sabbath-school, and subsequently made arrangements to have preaching one evening in a week, and to this end permission was asked to occupy one of the rooms in the Putnam School-house. In 1827 a meeting-house was erected on the northeasterly corner of Cambridge and Fourth streets, which was dedicated on the tenth of October
jor Vassall, Mr. Samuel Thacher, Jr., Mr. Professor Winthrop, they or the major part of the whole being notified, and that said committee be a committee of inspection upon the said schoolmaster, and that said committee be and hereby are empowered to regulate said school. Generally, however, the schools were under the charge of the Selectmen until March 23, 1795, when a committee, consisting of Caleb Gannett, Mr. Gannett declined, and Josiah Moore was substituted. Rev. Abiel Holmes, Maj. John Palmer, William Locke, Jonathan Winship, Rev. John Foster, and Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, was chosen for the purpose of superintending the schools in this town, and carrying into effect the School Act. The only material change since that period consists in the appointment of a Superintendent of schools, in 1868, who acts, however, under the general direction of the School Committee, and is their executive officer. At a town-meeting, March 3, 1794, a committee was appointed to divide the town into
eter Landman. Joseph Larkin. Jonathan Lawrence. James Learned. William Learned. Jack Leaven worth. Robert Leonard. Job Littlefield. Jonathan Locke. Thomas Long. Richard Loring. Thomas Mason. Edmund Masters. Robert McCleary. Arthur Me Cord. Daniel McGuire. Daniel McNamara (deserted). John Mead. Thomas Melendy. Joseph Mills. Samuel Mills. Pierce Moran. William Morse. Ephraim Mullett. John Myrick. Alexander Nelson. John Palmer. John Parcells. Thomas Park. Jackson Parker. Thomas Parrott. William Penniman. Thomas Perkins. Jesse Perry. Elijah Phipps. Samuel Phipps. John Pierce. Joseph Pierce. Samuel Pierce. Job Potamea. Edward Prentice. Henry Prentice. Henry Prentice, Jr. Jonas Prentice. Solomon Prentice. Peter Quinn. Henry Ramor. Abraham Rand. Moses Rand. Thomas Ransford. Jonathan Read. Joseph Read. Stacy Read. John Rice. Elias Ri
y 24 Oct. 1734; Abigail, b. 24 July 1718, d. 14 July 1736; Elizabeth, b. 12 Feb. 1719-20, m. Joseph Cooke 7 June 1739; Thankful, b. 17 Dec. 1721, m. Ebenezer Richards 24 Dec. 1741; Mary, b. 2 Jan. 1722-3, m. Samuel Walker 20 Dec. 1750; Sarah, b. 19 Nov. 1725; John, b. 9 Aug. 1727. 3. John, prob. s. of Ebenezer (2), m. Mercy Norcross; s 3 May 1750, and had Mary, b. 29 Ap. 1752, m. Silas Robbins 7 May 1772; Nathaniel, b. 14 Dec. 1755; John, b. 13 Ap. 1759; Susanna, b. 2 Dee. 1760, m. Major John Palmer 28 Nov. 1781 and d. Dec. 1837, a. 77; the Town Record says 79, but wrongly, unless I mistake the parentage. 4. John, had Joshua, bap. 18 Nov. 1722; Mercy, bap. 27 Sept 1724. 5. James, had Mary, bap. 17 May 1724. 6. James, by w. Nabby, had James, b. 7 Feb. 1797. Streeter, Stephen, prob. a descendant from Stephen of Chs. 1644, by w. Deborah, had in Camb. Rebecca, b. 3 Sept. 1683; Deborah, b. 25 Sept. 1685, d. 7 Ap. 1689; Joseph, b. 18 Sept. 1687; Benjamin, b. 25 Nov. 1689, d. 2
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