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M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 202 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 138 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 124 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 124 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 52 0 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 44 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 40 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 34 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 26 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 16 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 22 results in 5 document sections:

Plato, Letters, Letter 13 (search)
Plato to Dionysius, Tyrant of Syracuse, wishes well-doing.Let this greeting not only commence my letter but serve at the same time as a token that it is from me.For the significance of the greeting “well-doing” see Plat. L. 3 ad init.; cf. Plat. L. 13.363b below. Once when you were feasting the Locrian youths and were seated at a distance from me, you got up and came over to me and in a friendly spirit made some remark which I thought excellent, as also did my neighbor at the table, who was one of the beautiful youths. And he then said—“No doubt, Dionysius, you find Plato of great benefit as regards philosophy!” And you replied—“Yes, and in regard to much else; since from the very moment of my inviting him I derived benefit at once from the very fact that I had invited him.” This tone, then, should be carefully preserved, in order that the mutual benefit we derive from one another may always go on increasing. So by way of helping towards this end I am now sending you s
Plato, Letters, Letter 2 (search)
consorting together. Moreover, these are qualities which people delight in discussing themselves in private conversation and hearing others discuss in their poems. For example, when men talk about HieroHiero, the elder, was tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 485-467 B.C. Pausanias defeated the Persians at Plataea 479 B.C. Simonides of Ceos was a famous lyric poet. or about Pausanias the Lacedaemonian they delight to bring in their meeting with Simonides and what he did and said to them; and they regard it.How this result should be brought about, and what is the just course to pursue, I will now explain. I came to Sicily with the reputation of being by far the most eminent of those engaged in philosophy; and I desired, on my arrival in Syracuse, to gain your testimony as well, in order that I might get philosophy held in honor even by the multitude.A most un-Platonic sentiment: contrastPlat. Rep. 493e ff., and Plat. L. 2.314a below. In this, however, I was disappointed. But the reaso
Plato, Letters, Letter 3 (search)
e first of the accusations I have mentioned.It was on your invitation and Dion's that I came to Syracuse. Dion was a tried comrade of mine and a guest-friend of old standing, and he was a man of staibably the war against the Lucanians. and that, when peace was restored, Dion and I should go to Syracuse and that you should invite us. And that was how things took place as regards my first sojourn at SyracuseFor the events of Plato's first visit cf. Plat. L. 7.327c ff., Plat. L. 7.338a, Plat. L. 7.338b; for those of the second visit, Plat. L. 7.338b ff., Plat. L. 7.345c ff. and my safe return request, things would probably have turned out better than they have done now both for you and Syracuse and for the rest of Greece—that, at least, is my own intuitive belief. Next, I requested that cf. Plat. L. 2.313a. were with us in the garden, some twenty days before I departed home from Syracuse, you made the same complaint against me that you are making now—that I cared more for Heracleid
Plato, Letters, Letter 4 (search)
Plato to Dion of Syracuse wishes well-doing.It has been plain, I believe, all along that I took a keen interest in the operationsThis refers to Dion's military operations in Sicily in 357 B.C., and perhaps later. that have been carried out, and that I was most anxious to see them finally completed. In this I was mainly prompted by my jealous regard for what is nobleThe reference is to Dion's plans for the political reformation of Sicily; for I esteem it just that those who are truly virtuous, and who act accordingly, should achieve the reputation they deserve. Now for the present (God willing) affairs are going well; but it is in the future that the chief struggle lies. For while it might be thought that excellence in courage and speed and strength might belong to various other men, everyone would agree that surpassing excellence in truth, justice, generosity and the outward exhibition of all these virtues naturally belongs to those who profess to hold them in honor.Now the point
Plato, Letters, Letter 7 (search)
knowledge. For when I originally arrived at Syracuse, being about forty years old, Dion was of the-387 B.C., the date of Plato's first visit to Syracuse; so if this letter was written in 353 B.C. taken place in regard to Dion and in regard to Syracuse; and of still more events, as is to be feareidered that I ought, by all means, to come to Syracuse with all speed to be his partner in this taskregarding me a report actually went abroad in Syracuse that I had been put to death by Dionysius as e brought me into the AcropolisThe citadel of Syracuse, where Plato was housed during both his visitan this when he had first brought gladness to Syracuse, his own fatherland, by delivering her from bs more easily than did Hiero.Hiero, tyrant of Syracuse (478-466) , waged succesful war against the Cd I together, in our plans for the welfare of Syracuse, attempted to carry out, although it is but td Dionysius; and there were certain others in Syracuse who had had some teaching from Dion, and othe[3 more...]