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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
r philanthropy. He corresponded with George P. Marsh, Dr. George W. Bethune, George W. Greene, and Brantz Mayer on literary subjects; with Lieber on historical questions; with Vaux, Parrish, and Foulke, all of Philadelphia, on prison discipline; with William and John Jay on measures against war and slavery; with Giddings, Palfrey, and Mann on issues in Congress and the antislavery movement; He was also in familiar relations at this time with S. P. Chase. with Whittier, Charles Allen, S. C. Phillips, and many others on political resistance in Massachusetts to slavery; with David Dudley Field on the reform and codification of the law; with B. D. Silliman and William Kent, who wrote on professional topics and social amenities, both taking the liberty of friendship to chaff him for his philanthropic and political vagaries,—the former calling him a prematurist. Friendly notes came often from Howe, Felton, and Longfellow. Death and change of interests eliminated front time to time from
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
sumed a great importance in Massachusetts. S. C. Phillips and W. B. Calhoun (formerly of the House owhich promises to light a powerful flame. S. C. Phillips has delivered a couple of lectures on the July 23, a meeting where Palfrey, Adams. S. C. Phillips, Wilson, and W. B. Spooner took counsel foffice, September 19, at which Adams, Palfrey, Phillips, and Sumner considered the subject of resolutfered from those reported by the committee. Phillips introduced them to the convention in an earneWinthrop's speech and to Child's objection to Phillips's resolutions, and criticised sharply the com. All thanks for the free voices of thyself, Phillips, Allen, and Adams. Notwithstanding the resul swayed by the same influences, the defeat of Phillips's resolutions; and put upon those who had a dxpressed to me his warm sympathy with you. S. C. Phillips, as you May imagine, appreciates your nobl letter in the Boston Whig, Nov. 20, 1847. S. C. Phillips, under the signature of A Massachusetts Wh[9 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
th the mission to South Carolina for the protection of the colored seamen of Massachusetts, was called to the chair. S. C. Phillips reported an address and resolutions; six delegates at large, with Adams's name at the head, were chosen to attend theonvention by inviting speakers and counselling as to candidates. The convention continued for two days. It nominated S. C. Phillips for governor, and an electoral ticket, at the head of which was Samuel Hoar. The addresses and proceedings were markunderstood as saying that Sumner produced conviction with more minds than some other speakers,—notably Charles Allen, S. C. Phillips, and R. H. Dana, Jr. Other speakers who rendered conspicuous service in the campaign were Samuel and E. R. Hoar. fatand omitted all reference to the existing low duties as one of them. Boston Republican, November 3. Other speakers—S. C. Phillips, for instance—made the same use of the letter. Mr. Lawrence authorized the Atlas to state that Sumner had perverted <
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
on resolutions. Sumner attended as a delegate. Early in the session he read a letter from S. C. Phillips declining to be again the candidate for governor, and remarked, as he finished the reading, named no candidate, and in their newspapers there was only a casual mention of names, as of S. C. Phillips, Sumner, and Adams. Sumner's name was, however, freely mentioned in the Free Soil and Democe Commonwealth, May 16, 1851. and his address to them was in a measure approved by Adams and S. C. Phillips. Commonwealth, January 9, 13. Annoying as this interference was, it had little effect on ote, February 7, You must be the hero of this war to the end,—the conquering hero, I trust. S. C. Phillips forbade the use of his own name as an alternative, and counselled adherence to Sumner to theadvance; and he counselled, for the sake of success, the withdrawal of Sumner and a union on S. C. Phillips. The governor at that time had no liking for a man of Sumner's pronounced position as an an
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
a statesman. You have now done what I have all along said you would do, though I lamented you did not do it long ago. Wendell Phillips, though differing on some points, wrote, September 3:— I have read your masterly speech with envious admiration. It is admirable, both as a masterly argument and a noble testimony, and will endear you to thousands. Wilson called the speech glorious, and said, How proud I am that God gave me the power to aid in placing you in the Senate! S. C. Phillips regarded it as a contribution of inestimable value to our noble cause, and statesmanlike in all its features. Chase, who had heard it, bore, after reading it, his second testimony to its convincing power. Horace Mann wrote, the day after it was delivered, to Mrs. Mann, that it would tell on the country, and be a speech for a book and for history. John Bigelow, of the New York Evening Post, who, though a faithful friend of Sumner, looked at antislavery speeches, and indeed all speeches
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
no effective stand on an independent candidate. If Governor Seward can succeed in preventing any resolution at the convention, my inclination is to declare in Scott's favor individually, but not collectively as Free Soilers. With him agreed S. C. Phillips and many others of the party. At a conference of the Free Soil leaders at the Adams House in Boston, June 5, there was developed such a want of common purpose that the party seemed near its end. In the midst of this perplexity, Sumner, who convert the Whig party to slavery has failed. Sumner lingered at Washington, as became his custom, and briefly pausing in New York, arrived home September 9. He attended the Free Soil State convention, at Lowell, September 15, in which S. C. Phillips occupied the chair, Adams reported the resolutions, and Horace Mann was nominated for governor. Among the speakers were Wilson, Mann, and Burlingame. On the platform, in a conspicuous seat, was Captain Drayton, the liberated master of the P
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
f constitutional liberty. Meantime a popular movement for a union began at Concord, in a meeting held June 22, where a committee of correspondence, with Samuel Hoar and Ralph Waldo Emerson as members, was appointed. This committee invited a large number of the leading men of the three parties to meet at the American House in Boston July 7; but less than thirty attended. Atlas, July 10; Commonwealth, July 8, 11. Among the Free Soilers at this conference were Samuel Hoar, F. W. Bird, S. C. Phillips, C. F. Adams, Henry Wilson, R. W. Emerson, George F. Hoar, and Marcus Morton, Jr. Less than half-a-dozen Whigs came, and most of these were obstructive. No definite action was taken, for the reason that a call for a fusion mass convention had been issued by other persons interested in the movement, which obtained eight or ten thousand names, and received in some towns the signatures of nearly all the voters. Commonwealth, July 14, 15, 17; August 1. It appeared for a time as if the mo