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August 8. At Huntsville, Ala., Gen. Rousseau issued the following special order: Almost every day murders are committed by lawless bands of robbers and murderers firing into the railroad trains. To prevent this, or to let the guilty suffer with the innocent, it is ordered that the preachers and leading men of the churches, (not exceeding twelve in number,) in and about Huntsville, who have been active secessionists, be arrested and kept in custody, and that one of them be detailed each day and placed on board the train on the road running by way of Athens, and taken to Elk River and back, and that a like detail be made and taken to Stevenson and back. Each detail shall be in charge of a trusty soldier, who shall be armed, and not allow him to communicate with any person. When not on duty these gentlemen shall be comfortably quartered in Huntsville, but not allowed to communicate with any one without leave from these headquarters. The soldiers detailed for guard of
submitted. Frank Allen, Captain First Rhode Island Cavalry. A National account. The fight at Aldie, on Wednesday, which was noticed briefly yesterday, was far more desperate than was at first supposed here. The cavalry engaged on our side were the Second New-York, Sixth Ohio, First Massachusetts, and Fourth New-York, under command of Colonel Kilpatrick, and the First Maine, of Colonel J. J. Gregg's brigade; and a portion of General Fitz-Hugh Lee's brigade, under command of Colonel Rousseau, on the part of the confederates. Colonel Kilpatrick's command was leading the advance of our cavalry corps, moving from Fairfax Court-House to Aldie. The rebel force (cavalry and mounted infantry) had come from the direction of Snicker's Gap, arriving at Aldie some two hours before our force reached that point; and the rebels getting warning of the approach of Kilpatrick, posted themselves in commanding positions, and with their mounted sharp-shooters placed behind stone walls read
by that route. At Liberty Gap the enemy tried to regain possession, but finally retreated, leaving our pickets in position. On the twenty-sixth, most of the movements ordered for the twenty-fifth were completed, amid continuous rains. Generals Rousseau, Reynolds, and Brannan's divisions cooperated in a gallant advance on the enemy, who after a short resistance fled toward Fairfield, near to which place our pickets were advanced, while Reynolds's divison and the baggage moved forward durinion. July first, I received a despatch from General Thomas that the enemy had retreated from Tullahoma during the night. Brannan's, Negley's, and Sheridan's divisions; entered Tullahoma, where the infantry arrived about noon. Negley's and Rousseau's divisions pushed on by Spring Creek, and overtook the rear-guard of the enemy late in the afternoon, at Bethpage Bridge, two miles above the railroad crossing, where they had a sharp skirmish with the rebels occupying the heights, south side t
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 45: the cruise of the Sumter and the havoc she committed. (search)
The Governor, after an inspection of his artillery and a consultation with the military commandant, made up his mind that it would be best not to coerce any ship belonging to the Southern Confederacy, for fear that these modern representatives of Drake and Morgan might follow the example of their illustrious predecessors if interfered with, and left Semmes to do pretty much as he pleased. The Abby Bradford was sent in charge of a prize-crew to New Orleans, to report her arrival to Commodore Rousseau, delivering to him the prize-papers, seals unbroken, etc. The vessel reached Barrataria Bay, but was recaptured by the Powhatan, Lieutenant D. D. Porter, and restored to her owners. Semmes did not burn the Abby Bradford, because, as he says, I only resorted to that practice when it became evident there was nothing else to do. As soon as Lieutenant Porter ascertained from the crew of the Abby Bradford the whereabouts of the Sumter, he obtained the permission of Flag-officer McKean,
t, and Cheatham the right — their flanks extending as near the Cumberland as possible, whilst Forrest's cavalry filled the gap between them and the river. General Rousseau occupied Murfreesboroa, in rear of our right, with about eight thousand men heavily entrenched. General Bates's Division, Sears's and Brown's brigades, wereived, and telegraphed to General Beauregard, that General Steele, with fifteen thousand (15,000) troops, had passed Memphis in the direction of Cairo; also, that Rousseau had made a sally, and driven back our forces at Murfreesboroa. The following day General Forrest was instructed to leave the roads open to Lebanon, in the hope of enticing Rousseau out of his stronghold; preparations were at the same time made to capture his detachment of eight thousand, should he venture to reinforce Thomas at Nashville. He remained, however, behind his entrenchments. General Bates's Division was ordered to return to the Army; Forrest was instructed to direct Palmer
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
General Rosecrans's report. The attack was taken up by the brigades of Polk's corps successively, from left to right, but they encountered a more determined resistance, and the success they obtained was won after an obstinate contest, and at the price of much blood. When the right brigade of Polk's corps had become fully engaged, the Federal right and centre, except the left brigade, The left brigade of Palmer's division. had been driven back in the manner intended. They were succored by Rousseau's and Van Cleve's divisions, however, and rallied on a new line perpendicular to the original one; their left joining the right of the brigade that still held its first position. The Confederate troops could make no impression upon this new and stronger line which was covered by a railroad-cut, and the contest ceased, except at the angle where the new and old lines met. The brigade there, with the aid of several batteries and the advantages of a strong position and an excellent commander,
Doc. 146.-speech of Joseph Holt, to the Kentucky troops under Gen. Rousseau, at camp Jo Holt, in Indiana, delivered July 31, 1861. Fellow-Citizens and Soldiers:--I say citizens, since you still are such, and it is only because you have resolved that no earthly power shall rob you of this proud title, or in any manner curtail the privileges and blessings associated with it, that you have become soldiers. Your soldiership is but the stately armor you have donned for the purpose of doing battle in defence of that citizenship which is at once the most intense and the most truthful expression of your political life. No poor words of mine could adequately convey to you the grateful emotions inspired by the kindness and warmth of this welcome. I should have been rejoiced to meet you anywhere; how full, therefore, the measure of my happiness must be to meet you here in such a presence and amid the thrilling associations inseparable from the scene, you can well understand. I should
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 81. skirmish near Upton's Hill, Ky. October 12, 1861. (search)
ut now an extensive farmer, and owner of the land on which our tents are pitched. When the troops arrived Mr. Nevin welcomed them most cordially, and informed Gen. Rousseau, who was in command, that any thing and every thing he had was at the service of the army. Gen. McCook arrived on Sunday, and took command of this division t in endeavoring to pass our pickets. His horse was killed, and the man himself wounded in the hand and wrist. The health of the army continues excellent. Gen. Rousseau, however, has just come out of a most violent attack of quinsy — so violent, indeed, that at one time his life was in imminent peril. He is now almost well agamp, and eight miles this side of the rebel camp. A squad of the rebels had come up there to cut off a company which had been recruiting in the neighborhood for Rousseau's brigade, and were to come up here to camp that day. When the Indianians, forty in number, under Captain Herring and Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, reached the place
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), 39. Gen. Rousseau crossing rolling Fork. (search)
39. Gen. Rousseau crossing rolling Fork. by Miss Sophia H. Oliver. We cross this ford, he exclaimed, never to retreat again to this side. We are to march forward. There is to be no backward movement. It is victory or death. The command was about to be given and repeated through the lines, when Gen. Rouesseau, in the van,th or victory. No backward glance, no base retreat, When we our country's foemen meet!” Then crying, “Follow where I lead, I ask you naught I may not do;” Brave Rousseau, springing from his steed, Marched proudly through the waters blue; Her clasping arms the river pressed Around the hero's fearless breast. The morning sunbeams sg back the rallying cry “On, on to death or victory.” Oh! lofty words not idly said, For fierce the fight and red the field, And fallen many a noble head E'er Rousseau and his heroes yield. Then, soldiers, in the gallant fight May God defend and save the right. Oh country! for whose sacred cause Such patriot spirits are to
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
1,314 218.New York 7th Regiment (S. M.) Papers,318 219.Maine 1st Regiment Volunteers,320 220.Fight at Acquia Creek,320 221.Lieut. Tompkins' Skirmish at Fairfax Court House,321 222.Jeff. Davis' Speech at Richmond, June 1,322 222 1/2.Col. Porterfield's Proclamation at Phillippa,324 223.Confederate Post Office Circular,325 224.L. W. Bliss' Proclamation in Jefferson Terr.,325 225.Central Committee's Address in Northwestern Virginia,325 226.New York Militia, 79th Regiment,328 227.Senator Rousseau's Speech in Ky. Senate,329 227 1/2.Gen. McDowell's Proclamation on Damages,333 228.Battle at Phillippa--Official Reports, &c.,335 229.Lord J. Russell's Letter on Neutrality,337 230.Gen. Patterson's Proclamation at Chambers-burgh,337 231.New York--1st Regiment Scott Life Guard,337 232.Rector's Proclamation at Fort Smith,338 233.Price's Proclamation at Jefferson City,338 234.Beauregard's Beauty and Booty Proclamation,339 235.New York 9th Regiment Volunteers, (Hawkins',)339 236.C
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