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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Polk, James Knox 1795-1849 (search)
s assumed a belligerent attitude, and on April 12 General Ampudia, then in command, notified General Taylor to break up his camp within twenty-four hours, and to retire beyond the Nueces River, and in day General Arista, who had succeeded to the command of the Mexican forces, communicated to General Taylor that he considered hostilities commenced, and should prosecute them. A party of dragoons ofAugust last, as a precautionary measure against invasion or threatened invasion, authorizing General Taylor, if the emergency required, to accept volunteers, not from Texas only, but from the States opeated, and in January last, soon after the incorporation of Texas into our Union of States, General Taylor was further authorized by the President to make a requisition upon the executive of that Stailiary force as he might need. War actually existed, and our territory having been invaded, General Taylor, pursuant to authority vested in him by my direction, has called on the governor of Texas fo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Resolutions of 1798. (search)
ional army to fight France, and the passage of the Alien and Sedition laws of the summer of 1798, brought forward into prominence bold men, leaders in communities, who were ready to support secession and nullification schemes. Among these was John Taylor, of Caroline, a Virginia statesman, who boldly put forth his advanced views. Mr. Jefferson finally sympathized with him, and at a conference held at Monticello, towards the close of October, 1798, between the latter and George and Wilson C. Ny Nicholas— passed the Kentucky legislature, Nov. 14, 1798, with only two or three dissenting votes. These nullification doctrines were echoed by the Virginia legislature, Dec. 24, in a series of resolutions drafted by Madison, and offered by John Taylor, of Caroline, who, a few months before, had suggested the idea of a separate confederacy, to be composed of Virginia and North Carolina. Madison's resolutions were more general in their terms, and allowed latitude in their interpretation. Th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of South Carolina, (search)
B. Richardson1802 Paul Hamilton1804 Charles Pinckney1806 John Drayton1808 Henry Middleton1810 Joseph Alston1812 David R. Williams1814 Andrew J. Pickens1816 John Geddes1818 Thomas Bennet1820 John L. Wilson1822 Richard J. Manning1824 John Taylor1826 Stephen D. Miller1828 James Hamilton1830 Robert Y. Hayne1832 George McDuflie1834 Pierce M. Butler1836 Patrick Noble1838 B. K. Henneganacting1840 J. P. Richardson1840 James H. Hammond1842 William Aiken1844 David Johnson1846 W. B Read4th to 7th1795 to 1801 John Hunter4th to 5th1796 to 1798 Charles Pinckney5th to 7th1798 to 1801 Thomas Sumter7th to 11th1801 to 1810 John Ewing Calhoun7th1801 to 1802 Pierce Butler8th1803 to 1804 John Gailard8th to 20th1805 to 1826 John Taylor11th to 14th1810 to 1816 William Smith14th to 18th1817 to 1823 Robert Y. Hayne18th to 22d1823 to 1832 William Harper19th1826 William Smith20th to 22d1826 to 1831 Stephen D. Miller22d1831 to 1833 John C. Calhoun22d to 28th1833 to 1843 Wil
On March 8, 1895, the United States mail-ship Allianca, on her homeward voyage from Colon to New York, when 6 miles from the coast of Cuba, was repeatedly fired upon by a Spanish gunboat with solid shot. The Windward Passage, where this took place, is the usual highway for vessels plying between ports of the United States and the Caribbean Sea. Captain Crossman, of the Allianca, paid no attention to the gunboat and escaped the Spanish vessel. Secretary of State Gresham at once cabled Minister Taylor at Madrid that this government must demand a prompt apology from Spain. The general position taken by the United States was in accordance with the following resolution passed by the Senate in June, 1858: Any molestation by force or show of force on the part of a foreign power of an American vessel on the high seas in time of peace is in derogation of the sovereignty of the United States. The Spanish minister at Washington complicated the matter somewhat by his intemperate utterances t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Taylor, John 1808- (search)
Taylor, John 1808- Mormon; born in Winthrop, England, Nov. 1, 1808; went to Toronto, Canada, in 1832; was there converted to Mormonism by the preaching of Parley D. Pratt in 1836; was made an apostle in 1838 and settled in Missouri. For twenty years he preached this faith in Great Britain and France and published French and German translations of the Book of Mormon in Europe. In 1852 he returned to the United States, and in April of the next year was present at the laying of the corner-stone of the Temple in Salt Lake City. He was with Joseph Smith when the latter was killed, and was himself shot four times. When Utah applied for admission to the Union he represented that Territory in Congress. In 1877, on the death of Brigham Young, he was elected president of the Church, and in 1880 became head and prophet of the part of the Church which adhered to the doctrine of polygamy. He was indicted for that offence in March, 1885, and in order to avoid arrest he exiled himself. He
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
s. Name.No. of Congress.Term. Richard Henry Lee1st to 2d1789 to 1792 William Grayson1st1789 to 1790 John Walker1st1790 James Monroe1st to 4th1790 to 1795 John Taylor2d to 3d1792 to 1794 Henry Tazewell3d to 5th1794 to 1799 Stevens Thomson Mason4th to 8th1795 to 1803 Wilson Cary Nicholas6th to 8th1800 to 1804 Andrew Moore8th to 11th1804 to 1809 William B. Giles8th to 14th1814 to 1815 John Taylor8th1808 Abraham B. Venable8th1803 to 1804 Richard Brent11th to 13th1809 to 1814 James Barbour13th to 19th1815 to 1825 Armistead T. Mason14th1816 to 1817 John W. Eppes15th1817 to 1819 James Pleasants16th to 17th1819 to 1822 John Taylor17th to 18th1822John Taylor17th to 18th1822 to 1824 Littleton W. Tazewell18th to 22d1824 to 1832 John Randolph19th to 20th1825 to 1827 John Tyler20th to 24th1827 to 1836 William C. Rives22d to 23d1833 to 1834 Benjamin W. Leigh23d to 24th1834 to 1836 Richard E. Parker24th to 25th1836 to 1837 William C. Rives24th to 29th1836 to 1845 William H. Roane25th to 27th1837 to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wainwright, Richard 1849- (search)
executive officer, made in compliance with paragraph 525, page 110, Naval regulations, which report I believe to be correct in all particulars. I also enclose copies of the reports of the several officers, which may prove valuable for future reference. It was the plain duty of the Gloucester to look after the destroyers, and she was held back, gaining steam, until they appeared at the entrance. the Indiana poured in a hot fire from all her secondary battery upon the destroyers, but Captain Taylor's signal, Gunboats, close in, gave security that we would not be fired upon by our own ships. Until the leading destroyer was injured our course was converging, necessarily, but as soon as she slackened her speed we headed directly for both vessels, firing both port and starboard batteries as the occasion offered. All the officers and nearly all the men deserved my highest praise during the action. The escape of the Gloucester was due mainly to the accuracy and rapidity of the fire.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Woodruff, Wilford 1807-1898 (search)
Woodruff, Wilford 1807-1898 Mormon; born in Northington (now Avon), Conn., March 1, 1807; was ordained a priest in the Mormon Church in 1833; accompanied the Mormons to Salt Lake City; became one of the twelve apostles in April, 1839; travelled over 150,000 miles on missionary tours; succeeded John Taylor as president of the Mormon Church in 1887; and was a member of the Utah legislature for twenty-two years. He died in Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 3, 1898.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wool, John Ellis 1784-1869 (search)
in 1832 to examine some of the military systems on that continent, and witnessed the siege of Antwerp. In 1846 he organized and disciplined volunteers for the war with Mexico, and in less than six weeks despatched to the seat of war 12,000 men fully armed and equipped. Collecting 3,000 men, he penetrated Mexico to Saltillo, after a march of 900 miles without loss. He selected the ground for the battle of Buena Vista, and commanded in the early part of the action until the arrival of General Taylor. For his conduct there he was brevetted major-general and received the thanks of Congress and John Ellis Wool. a sword. The New York legislature also presented him with a sword. In 1856 he quelled Indian disturbances in Oregon, and was called to the command of the Department of the East, where he furnished the means for the salvation of the national capital and Fort Monroe from seizure in April, 1861. When he heard of the attack on Massachusetts troops in Baltimore, he hastened t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Worth, William Jenkins 1794-1849 (search)
e, as lieutenant of infantry, in May, 1813. He was highly distinguished in the battles of Chippewa and at Lundy's Lane, in July, 1814, and was severely wounded in the latter contest. He was in command of cadets at West Point from 1820 to 1828, and in 1838 was made colonel of the 8th United States Infantry. He served in the Seminole War from 1840 to 1842, and was in command of the army in Florida in 1841-42. He was brevetted a brigadiergeneral in March, 1842, commanded a brigade under General Taylor in Mexico in 1846, and was distinguished in the capture of Monterey. In 1847-48 he commanded a division, under General Scott, in the capture of Vera Cruz, and in the battles from Cerro Gordo to the assault and capture of the city of Mexico. He was brevetted major-general, and was presented with a sword by Congress, by the States of New York and Louisiana, and by his native county, Columbia. A monument was erected to his memory at the junction of Broadway and Fifth Avenue, New York Ci
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