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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gould, Benjamin Apthorp 1824-1896 (search)
telegraph. He later greatly improved this clock, which is now used in all parts of the world. In 1868 he organized and directed the national observatory at Cordoba, in the Argentine Republic. He there mapped out a large part of the Benjamin A. Gould. southern heavens. He also organized a national meteorological office, which was connected with branch stations extending from the tropics to Terra del Fuego, and from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic. He returned from South America in 1885, and died in Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 26, 1896. His publications include Investigations in the military and Anthropological statistics of American soldiers; Investigations of the orbit of comet V.; Report of the discovery of the planet Neptune; Discussions of observations made by the United States astronomical expedition to Chile to determine the solar Parallax; The transatlantic longitude as determined by the coast survey; Uranometry of the Southern heavens; Ancestry of Zaccheus Gould, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson (search)
el of cavalry. His efficient services on all occasions won for him the rank of brigadier-general and major-general of volunteers, and the command of a division of cavalry in the Army of the Potomac. He was very active in the campaign against Atlanta in 1864, in Sherman's march to Hugh Judson Kilpatrick. the sea, and in his march through the Carolinas to the surrender of Johnston. For the latter campaign he was brevetted major-general U. S. A. In 1865-68 he was United States minister to Chile; in 1881 he was reappointed; and held the post till his death in Valparaiso, Dec. 4, 1881. On Sunday morning, Feb. 28, 1864, Kilpatrick, with 5,000 cavalry, picked from his own and the divisions of Merritt and Gregg, crossed the Rapidan, swept around to the right flank of Lee's army by way of Spottsylvania Court-house, and, pushing rapidly towards Richmond, struck the Virginia Central Railroad at Beaver Dam station, where he had his first serious encounter with the Confederates, under the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McCann, William Penn 1830- (search)
in 1854; entered the navy with William Penn McCann. the rank of passed midshipman; was promoted lieutenant, 1855; lieutenant-commander, 1862; commander, 1866; captain, 1876; and commodore, 1887. In the Civil War he drove off the Confederate battery attacking Franklin's corps at West Point, Va., on May 2, 1862; captured the Confederate gunboat Teazer, July 4, following; was in the battle of Mobile Bay; and during the war captured several blockade-runners. In 1891 he was commissioned an acting rear-admiral and given command of the South Pacific station. On June 4, 1891, after a spirited chase, he captured at Iquique, Chile, the steamer Itata, which had taken arms and ammunition aboard at San Diego, Cal., for the Chilean revolutionists. He sent the ship and its cargo back to San Diego, and was commended by the Navy Department. He was retired in May, 1892. During the war with Spain he was recalled to service and appointed prize commissioner for the Southern District of New York.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Monroe, James 1759-1870 (search)
only the consent of a few sovereigns, an earnest hope is indulged that these overtures will meet with an attention animated by the spirit in which they were made, and that they will ultimately be successful. The ministers who were appointed to the republics of Colombia and Buenos Ayres during the last session of Congress proceeded, shortly afterwards, to their destinations. Of their arrival there official intelligence has not yet been received. The minister appointed to the republic of Chile will sail in a few days. An early appointment will also be made to Mexico. A minister has been received from Colombia; and the other governments have been informed that ministers, or diplomatic agents of inferior grade, would be received from each accordingly, as they might prefer the one or the other. The minister appointed to Spain proceeded, soon after his appointment, for Cadiz, the residence of the sovereign to whom he was accredited. In approaching that port, the frigate which co
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Navigation acts. (search)
r ancestors of 1792. Had any of these assaults been successful to the extent of wiping the act of 1792 from the pages of the Revised Statutes, there would not now be a first-class shipyard in existence on our soil, and we would have been, like Chile and Japan, forced to dicker on the banks of the Clyde for the construction of our new navy, if we had one at all. But aside from the desire of English ship-builders to create a new market for their product by opening our registry, there is a polithe English shipbuilders rubbed their hands in actual anticipation of orders from this government for the ships and guns we needed, and they blandly assured us that they would give us quite as favorable terms as were accorded to China, Japan, and Chile. And, to their shame be it said, there were officers of our navy who not only adopted this view, but did all they could to commit our government to the pernicious policy. In 1885, when Secretary Whitney took control of the Navy Department, th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nelson, Thomas Henry 1824- (search)
Nelson, Thomas Henry 1824- Diplomatist; born in Mason county, Ky., Aug. 12, 1824; studied law in Maysville, Ky.; later settled in Terre Haute, Ind., where he was one of the founders of the Republican party. He was United States minister to Chile in 1861-66, and during this period made himself very popular by his rescue of many persons when the Santiago cathedral was burned, Dec. 6, 1864. He was United States minister to Mexico in 1869-73.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Panama, Congress at (search)
Panama, Congress at In 1823 Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Colombia, South America, and then President of that republic, invited the governments of Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Buenos Ayres to unite with him in forming a general congress at Panama. Arrangements to that effect were made, but the congress was not held until July, 1826. The object was to settle upon some line of policy having the force of international law respecting the rights of those republics, and to adopt measures for preventing further colonization by European powers on the American continent. They fully accepted the Monroe doctrine (see Monroe, James). In the spring of 1825 the United States was invited to send commissioners to the congress. These were appointed early in 1826, and appeared at the congress early in July; but its results were not important to any of the parties concerned.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Peyton, Balie 1803-1878 (search)
Peyton, Balie 1803-1878 Legislator; born in Sumner county, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1803; elected to Congress in 1833; served four years, when he removed to Louisiana. He served during the war with Mexico, and in 1849 was appointed United States minister to Chile. He died in Gallatin county, Tenn., Aug. 19, 1878.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Porter, David 1780- (search)
e recorded in history. He had swept around the southern cape of South America, and up its western coast, and on March 14, 1813, after being enveloped in thick fogs several days, he saw the city and harbor of Valparaiso, the chief seaport town of Chile. There he learned, for the first time, that Chile had become an independent state, and that the Spanish viceroy of Peru had sent out cruisers against the American vessels in that region. Porter's appearance with a strong frigate was very opportChile had become an independent state, and that the Spanish viceroy of Peru had sent out cruisers against the American vessels in that region. Porter's appearance with a strong frigate was very opportune, for American commerce then lay at the mercy of English whale-ships armed as privateers and of Peruvian corsairs. the Essex was cordially welcomed by the Chilean authorities. She put to sea on the 25th; pressed up the coast; and soon overhauled a Peruvian corsair which had captured two American vessels. He took from her all the captured Americans, cast her armament overboard, and sent her into Callao, with a letter to the viceroy, in which he denounced the piratical conduct of her comm
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Schley, Winfield Scott 1839- (search)
at the United States Naval Academy in 1860; was with the West Gulf blockading squadron in 1861; took part in the engagements which led to the surrender of Port Hudson, La., in 1863; was promoted lieutenant-commander in 1866, and commander in 1874. He was placed in command of the Arctic relief expedition in 1884, and rescued Lieutenant Greely and six survivors at Cape Sabine. He was promoted captain in 1888, and in 1891, when a number of American sailors were stoned by a mob in Valparaiso, Chile, he went to that port in command of the Baltimore and settled the trouble. In August, 1891, the Baltimore, still under his command, was detailed to convey the remains of John Ericsson (q. v.) to Sweden, in recognition of which service he received a gold medal from the King of Sweden. He was promoted commodore in February, 1898, and when the American-Spanish War began was given command of the newly organized Flying Squadron for service off the coasts of the United States and Cuba. This s
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