Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bergen county (New Jersey, United States) or search for Bergen county (New Jersey, United States) in all documents.

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t of a nature to interest our readers. Suffice it to say that she did not again venture far out from shore, but passed through the "efficient" blockade, and with guns booming and colors flying yesterday forenoon, startled from their gravity the quiet people of this "best of rebellion." Thomas Dunn English mobbed. The Enquirer, of yesterday, has the subjoined notice of the mishaps of the author of "Ben Bolt," and other political effusions: This gentleman was mobbed in Bergen county, New Jersey, on Friday, while on his way to speak at a peace meeting. He was severely maltreated by the Abolitionists, and, though he fought his way boldly, was with difficulty saved from assassination by the sheriff of the county. Dr. English resided in Logan county, Virginia, for several years. He represented Logan county in the Legislature several years ago, and last year he delivered the poem at the commencement of William and Mary College. He is a genial poet and eloquent speaker. Si