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aving left the south-west pass of the Mississippi on the seventeenth of the month.--The rebel steamer Memphis was captured by the United States gunboat Magnolia, she having run the blockade of Charleston, S. C., on the night of the twenty-seventh.--Simeon Draper, of New York, was appointed by the War Department a Special Commissioner to superintend the execution of the order respecting officers and privates absent from the army of United States. Large and enthusiastic meetings were held in Milwaukee, Wis., Bergen, N. J., and Cincinnati, O., to promote enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln, for additional troops Patriotic speeches were made and resolutions adopted, sustaining the Government in a more vigorous prosecution of the war, recommending the confiscation of the property of traitors everywhere, expressing unalterable opposition to compromise with rebels or traitors, and that they would sustain the Government in resisting hostile foreign intervention.
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Chapter 3: strategy. (search)
n would have been desperate if a second army of fifty thousand men had not arrived at Olmutz to receive him. Meanwhile the battle of Austerlitz, the result of a fault of the chief of staff, Weyrotha, compromised anew the Russian army far from its base; it came thus near becoming the victim of a distant alliance, and peace alone gave it time to regain its frontier. The fate of Suwarof after the victory of Novi and especially in the expedition to Switzerland, that of the corps of Hermann at Bergen in Holland, are lessons which every chief called to such a command ought carefully to meditate. General Beningsen had less disadvantages in 1807, because, combatting between the Vistula and the Niemen, he supported himself on his own base and the operations depended in nothing upon his Allies. We recollect also the fate which the French experienced in Ba varia and Bohemia in 1742, when Frederick the Great abandoned them to their fate to make a separate peace. In truth those last made war
The war among the farmers.--The Dutch Reformed church near the English Neighborhood, in Bergen County, N. J., was the scene of some little excitement on the 4th of July. The church is located in the midst of a wealthy farming population, which supplies New York with no small share of its best fruit and garden vegetables. It has been the custom to ring the bell in the old church on the 4th of July, but on the late occasion the farmers declared it should not be rung. But a man and a woman, (a widow,) who live next to the church, declared it should be rung. This declaration brought the farmers in force to the church on the morning of the 4th, when a sharp word-battle took place between the one man and the widow on one side, and the farmers on the other. The latter declared that the bell should never be rung on the 4th of July again, until the North has repented of the wicked and abominable abolitionism which has destroyed the union of our country. The widow declared, that if sh
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
New Jersey, Was one of the thirteen original colonies. Its territory was claimed to be a part of New Netherland. A few Dutch traders from New Amsterdam seem to have settled at Bergen about 1620, and in 1623 a company led by Capt. Jacobus May built Fort Nassau, at the mouth of the Timmer Kill, near Gloucester. There four young married couples, with a few others, began a settlement the same year. In 1634, Sir Edward Plowden obtained a grant of land on the New Jersey side of the Delaware from the English monarch, and called it New Albion, and four years later some Swedes and Fins bought land from the Indians in the vicinity and began some settlements. These and the Dutch drove off the English, and in 1665 Stuyvesant dispossessed the Swedes. After the grant of New Netherland (1664) to the Duke of York by his brother, Charles II., the former sent Col. Richard Nicolls with a land and naval force to take possession of the domain. Nicolls was made the first English governor of the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
Gold reserve in the United States treasury falls below $89,600,000......June 8, 1893 Floor of Ford's Theatre, Washington, D. C., used by the pension record division of the War Office, falls while nearly 400 government clerks are at work in the building; twenty-one killed, sixty-eight injured......June 9, 1893 Battle-ship Massachusetts launched at Messrs. Cramp & Sons' ship-yards in Philadelphia......June 10, 1893 Viking ship, representing Lief Ericson's Cockstab Find, which left Bergen, Norway, April 30, for the World's Fair at Chicago, reaches New York......June 17, 1893 United States Senator Leland Stanford, ex-governor of California, born 1824, dies at Palo Alto, Cal.......June 20, 1893 Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, pardons Fielden, Schwab, and Neebe, anarchists engaged in the Haymarket riot......June 26, 1893 President Cleveland calls an extra session of Congress to meet Aug. 7......June 30, 1893 Frequent failures among national, State, and private banks..
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
Delaware River to Trenton Falls......Sept. 1, 1634 Number of English families settle on Salem Creek, at a place called by the Indians Asamohaking......1640 Dutch acquire by deed a large tract of land in the eastern part of New Jersey called Bergen......Jan. 30, 1658 Royal charter executed by Charles II., in favor of the Duke of York, of the whole region between the Connecticut and Delaware rivers......March 20, 1664 Present State of New Jersey granted by the Duke of York to Lord Johnand Holland......Feb. 9, 1674 Edward Byllinge, becoming financially embarrassed, assigns his contract to William Penn and others......Feb. 10, 1674 Philip Carteret returns and resumes authority in New Jersey, meeting the General Assembly at Bergen......Nov. 6, 1674 Fenwick, sailing from London in the ship Griffith, arrives with a small company of Quakers and settles at Salem......June, 1675 Concessions and agreements of the proprietors of the Fenwick and Byllinge purchase in New Je
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Van Reypen, William Knickerbocker 1840- (search)
Van Reypen, William Knickerbocker 1840- Naval officer; born in Bergen, N. J., Nov. 14, 1840; graduated at the Medical Department of the University of New York in 1862; served at the Naval Hospital, New York, in 1862, and on the frigate St. Lawrence of the East Gulf blockading squadron, in 1863-64; appointed medical director in March, 1865; surgeon-general United States navy, and chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery with the rank of rearadmiral, Oct. 22, 1897. During the American-Spanish War he designed and equipped the ambulance ship Solace, the first ever employed in naval warfare.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washingtoniana. -1857 (search)
, New York, 1776; the Miller House, near White Plains, Westchester co., N. Y., 1776; Schuyler House, Pompton, N. J., 1777; the Ring House, at Chad's Ford, on the Brandywine, and the Elmar House, Whitemarsh, 1777; the Potts House, Valley Forge, 1777-78; Freeman's Tavern, Morristown, N. J., 1777-78; the Brinkerhoff House, Fishkill, N. Y., 1778; at Fredericksburg (in Putnam county, N. Y.) 1779; Ford Mansion, Morristown, 1779-80; New Windsor-on-the-Hudson, 1779, 1780, and 1781; Hopper House, Bergen county, N. J., 1780; Birdsall House, Peekskill, N. Y., 1780; De Windt House, at Tappan, 1780; Moore's house, Yorktown, Va., 1781; Hasbrouch House, Newburg, 1782, 1783; Farm-house at Rocky Hill, N. J., near Princeton, 1783; and Fraunce's Tavern, corner of Broad and Pearl streets, New York City, where he parted with his officers, 1783. During his whole military career Washington never received the slightest personal injury. In the desperate battle on the Monongahela, where Braddock was mort
ablished about Burlington; but as yet West New Jersey had not a hamlet. In East Jersey, of which the hills had been praised by Verrazzani, and the soil trodden by the mariners of Hudson, a trading station seems, in 1618, to have been occupied at Bergen. In December, 1651, Augustine Herman purchased, but hardly took possession of the land that stretched from Newark Bay to the Chap XV.} west of Elizabethtown, while, in January, 1658, otherpurchasers obtained the large grant called Bergen, wherBergen, where the early station became a permanent settlement. Before the end of 1664, a few families of Quakers appear also to have found a refuge south of Raritan Bay. More than a year earlier, New England Puritans, 1663 March 26. Albany Records IV. 415. sojourners on Long Island, solicited of the Dutch, and, as the records prove, obtained leave to establish on the banks of the Raritan and the Minnisink, their cherished institutions, and even their criminal jurisprudence. Soon 1664 Sept. 20. after
was raised over the two prizes and every ship but the Alliance; and four days before the end of the year Paul Jones, with his Eng- Dec. 27. lish captures, left the Texel. An American frigate, near the end of September, had entered the port of Bergen with two rich prizes. Sept. Yielding to the British envoy at Copenhagen, Bernstorff, the Danish minister, seized the occasion to publish an ordinance forbidding the sale of prizes, until they should have been condemned in a court Chap. XII.} 1ed into the ordinance the declaration, that, as the king of Denmark had recognised neither the independence nor the flag of America, its vessels could not be suffered to bring their prizes into Danish harbors. The two which had been brought into Bergen were set free; but, to avoid continual reclamations, two others, which in December were taken to Christiansand, were only forced to leave the harbor. Bismarck to Frederic, 6 and 23 Oct., 6 Nov., and 8 Dec., 1779. Wrapt up in the belief tha
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