Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 8, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bergen county (New Jersey, United States) or search for Bergen county (New Jersey, United States) in all documents.

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uccess. Butler sent a bragging bulletin to the War Department, boasting that he had destroyed the railroad between Richmond and Petersburg on the 16th. But the barefaced falsity of the statement is evident from the fact that, on the 18th, trains of cars were running on that road all day, bringing troops from Gen Lee's army at Richmond to join Beauregard at Petersburg. Northern Politics — the return of Mr. Vallandigham. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held recently in Bergen county, New York, to denounce the usurpations of Lincoln and to rejoice over the return of the exile, Vallandigham While the committee on resolutions were out the meeting was addressed by Hon. John Van Loon, of New York city, whose hardest hits at the usurper of the While House were loudest cheered. At the conclusion of his address the following resolutions were reported: Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, in his efforts to intimidate the American people and suppress all criticism upon the acts of