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an of music, deep, rolling, heaving, changing, swelling, sinking, rising, sounding, overwhelming, exalting. Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme. The Chinese have likewise produced bells of colossal size, one of which, at Pekin, weighs 130,000 pounds; but the tone of their bells is said to be discordant and panny, like that of their gongs. The great bell of Burmah, at a temple in the environs of Amarapoora, is slung on a triple beam cased and hooped with metal, and rbe as follows: — Weight.Diameter.Thickness. Pounds.Ft. In.Inches. Moscow (Kremlin), Cast in 155336,000 Cast in 1654288,000 Fell in 1703. Recast in 1733432,00021.23 Broken in 1737. Moscow (St. Ivan's)127,830 Burmah (Amarapoora)260,000 Pekin130,000 Novogorod62,000 Vienna (1711)40,2009.8 Olmutz40,000 Rouen40,000 Sens34,0008.6 Erfurth30,800 Westminster ( Big Ben, 1858)30,324 London (Houses of Parliament)30,000 Paris (Notre Dame, 1680)28,6728.67 1/2 Montreal (1847)28,5608.6
are made to travel at the same absolute surface-rate and in the same direction, and communicate motion equivalent to the difference between the circumferences of the two. See, for an illustration, differential feed. See also equational-box. Diffe-ren′tial Pul′ley. This, in a somewhat clumsy form, has been known for centuries under the name of the Chinese windlass, and one was found by the allied English and French armies to be in use for raising one of the drawbridges in the city of Pekin. It was described by Dr. Carpenter in his Mechanical philosophy, etc., 1844. The chain winds over two drums of different diameters, winding on to one as it unwinds from the other; the effect gained is as the difference between the two, the smaller the difference the greater the power and the less the speed. Differential Pulleu. Differential pulley. In the geared differential pulley the effect is produced by making one more tooth in one of the wheels the chain passes over than i
e whole of the year 1874:— city of Chester. city of Richmond. Voyage.d.h.m.Voyage.d.h.m. First8138First81158 Second8558Second8238 Third81128Third8943 Fourth828Fourth81823 Fifth8433Fifth8713 Sixth868Sixth82148 Seventh8838Seventh8248 Average8547Average81038 The six largest steam-ships in the world, excepting naval vessels, are the Great Eastern, owned by the International Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, 674 feet long, 77 feet broad, 22,500 tons; the City of Pekin, belong ing to the Pacific Mail Steam-ship Company, 6,000 tons, 423 feet long, 48 feet broad; the Liguria, of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, 4,820 tons, 460 feet long, 45 feet broad; the Britannic, of the White Star Line, 4,700 tons, 455 feet long, 45 feet broad; the City of Richmond, of the Inman Line, 4,600 tons, 453 1/2 feet long, 43 feet broad; and the Bothnia, of the Cunard Line, 4,500 tons, 425 feet long, 42 1/2 feet broad. See ship, Fig. 5001, page 2154. Taking the largest
e west from 8 A. M. till 2 P. M., and then to the east till 8 or 9 P. M. See magnetometer. The variation of the compass was known to the Chinese philosopher, Keon-tsoung-chi, in the twelfth century. He determined it to be from 2° to 2° 30 at Pekin. The French savans who formed part of the plundering host at Pekin a few years since, found time, after participating in the scramble for toot, to test the correctness of the former observation. They found it to be about the same. What their aPekin a few years since, found time, after participating in the scramble for toot, to test the correctness of the former observation. They found it to be about the same. What their ancestors were about in the twelfth century may be seen by reading the lives of the Capets. The same century saw 25 popes ruling in Rome. Gerhert, Alhazen, and Roger Bacon relieve that and neighboring centuries of their dreariness. The Chinese mode of suspending the needle was by a silken string, the most delicate which has yet been devised, and the one adopted at the magnetic observatories which are acting in concert in so many parts of the world. See compass. The variation of the c