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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 6 0 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 6 0 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903 4 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 4 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
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The Rev. J. M. Willey, the indefatigable chaplain of the Third Connecticut regiment, relates the following curious incident: While the troops were resting at Centreville, he concluded that, as they were about to advance on Manassas, it was of great importance that they should be cheered and encouraged in their work Expecting to remain at Centreville over Sunday, he selected a text and arranged the plan for a sermon to be preached to his regiment; but alas! the early march of Sunday morning it was of great importance that they should be cheered and encouraged in their work Expecting to remain at Centreville over Sunday, he selected a text and arranged the plan for a sermon to be preached to his regiment; but alas! the early march of Sunday morning defeated his purpose, and although the text still remains, the sermon was never preached. It is sufficient to say that the text selected by Mr. Willey was that in Psalm LX., and 7th v., And Manasseh is mine. --N. Y. Tribune, Aug. 6.
additional force of five or ten regiments with a battery behind Centreville on the road to Fairfax, and in the rear of the wagons, the fielde body, supposing us, undoubtedly, to be occupying the ground at Centreville in sufficient force to maintain ourselves, and following out the six wagons heavily loaded with oak timber, about midway between Centreville and the run, intended for rebuilding the bridge which the rebelsI did not think more of it. We started soon after on the road to Centreville, and there was then no confusion apparent, when about half a milr civilians; or if it was, if the wagons had been in the rear of Centreville and properly supported, there would have been no panic at all. ude that a retreat had been ordered, is, that on our approach to Centreville Gen. McDowell was leading his reserves across the road, and to aances. If Gen. McDowell had been content to intrench himself at Centreville, of which he seems to have had some intention, for his men were
cused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insinuation against Meagher, once the Irish Patriot, and now the American citizen soldier in a regiment filled with brave Irishmen who are proud of his companionship and gallantry. After praising the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded to the universal panic, and was seen on foot at Centreville making the best of his way toward Fort Corcoran, with exclamations which implied that, for the moment, he recognized the Southern Confederacy as highly belligerent. This infamous accusation, so disingenuously insinuated with the prudent I am told, is unworthy of the country of Mr. Russell's birth, and, we will add, of the honorable profession of journalism to which he belongs. It is wholly untrue, and we are inclined to think that Mr. Meagher will obtain its retraction.--Philadelphia Pr
73. upon the Hill before Centreville. July Twenty-first, 1861. by George H. Boker. I'll tell you what I heard that day. I heard the great guns, far away, Boom after boom. Their sullen sound Shook all the shuddering air around, And shook, ah me! my shrinking ear, And downward shook the hanging tear That, in despite of manhood's pride, Rolled o'er my face a scalding tide. And then I prayed. O God! I prayed, As never stricken saint, who laid His hot cheek to the holy tomb Of Jesus, in the midnight gloom. “What saw I?” Little. Clouds of dust; Great squares of men, with standards thrust Against their course; dense columns crowned With billowing steel. Then, bound on bound, The long black lines of cannon poured Behind the horses, streaked and gored With sweaty speed. Anon shot by, Like a lone meteor of the sky, A single horseman; and he shone His bright face on me, and was gone. All these, with rolling drums, with cheers, With songs familiar to my ears, Passed under the far-ha
Doc. 129. Beaureguard's letter. Centreville, within hearing of the enemy's guns, Sunday, Nov. 3, 1861. To Editors Richmond Whig: Gentlemen: My attention has just been called to an unfortunate controversy now going on relative to the publication of a synopsis of my report of the battle of Manassas. None can regret more than I do this, from a knowledge that, by authority, the President is the sole judge of when and what part of the commanding officer's report shall be made public. I, individually, do not object to delaying its publication as long as the War Department thinks proper and necessary for the success of our cause. Meanwhile I entreat my friends not to trouble themselves about refuting the slanders and calumnies aimed against me. Alcibiades, on a certain occasion, resorted to an extraordinary method to occupy the minds of his traducers — let, then, that synopsis answer the same purpose for me in this instance. If certain minds cannot understand the difference be
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 8: from the battle of Bull Run to Paducah--Kentucky and Missouri. 1861-1862. (search)
st. We marched via Vienna, Germantown, and Centreville, where all the army, composed of five divisor any thing on the way they fancied. At Centreville, on the 18th, Richardson's brigade was sentafter he ordered us all back to our camp in Centreville. This reconnoissance had developed a stronithout a serious battle. We lay in camp at Centreville all of the 19th and 20th, and during that nes, Fifth Artillery. We left our camp near Centreville, pursuant to orders, at half-past 2 A. M., he hospital across Bull Run, and far toward Centreville. After putting in motion the irregular squde a circuit, avoiding Cub Run Bridge, into Centreville, where I found General McDowell, and from hht from the rear; then the night-march from Centreville, on the Warrenton road, standing for hours to Centreville. I saw General McDowell in Centreville, and understood that several of his divisioed at all, that he would reorganize them at Centreville, and there await the enemy. I got my four [4 more...]
Doc. 27 1/2.-General Beauregard's address, on leaving the army of the Potomac. The following address from General Beauregard, on taking a temporary leave of the Confederate army of the Potomac, is worthy of record as bearing official testimony to the fact of the indisposition of many of his troops to enlist for another term of service: headquarters First Corps, army of the Potomac, near Centreville, January 30, 1862. soldiers of the First Corps, Army of the Potomac: My duty calls me away, and to a temporary separation from you. I hope, however, to be with you again, to share your labors and your perils, and in defence of our homes and rights, to lead you to new battles, to be crowned with signal victories. You are now undergoing the severest trial of a soldier's life; the one by which his discipline and capacity for endurance are thoroughly tested. My faith in your patriotism, your devotion and determination, and in your high soldierly qualities is so great, that I
t heroes, Rub up each rusty gun, And face these hireling Yankees, Who live by tap of drum. We volunteers are wearied, By twelve months “sojourn;” We want to rest a little, And then we'll fight “again.” We've won some five pitched battles, But will yield you our “polish;” And if you want some glory, Why pitch in now, “Melish.” Don't refuse to leave your spouses, Our own are just as dear, And each lonely little woman Longs for her volunteer. Don't mind your sobbing sweethearts; For though 'tis hard to part, We'll volunteer to chase 'em, And console each troubled heart. For the sake of old Virginia, Come and fight! that's if you can, And let your prattling babies Know their daddy was a man. For you we've fought and struggled, Had “no furloughs” --nary one-- We want a little resting, And so we're coming home. Then forward, bold Militia! “If you're coming, come along,” Or, by the gods! we'll force you out To your duty — right or wrong. Co. H., 1st Va. Reg't. camp near
A crusade swarmed across each mount and moor, Their fane to rescue by Potomac's shore; The first great hearts beat out at Baltimore. O zeal too rash! O treason too profound! O feeble king! O keen and subtle Warwick! O quiet plains that blood has made historic! O simple hearts that valor has renowned! O carnivals where vulture gorged with hound! O martyrdoms where yet the relics bleach! O agonies that words can never reach! O heroisms that must ever thrill! The brook is red that flows by Centreville; The Leesburg bluffs are ghostly in the dun, A thousand spectres stalk by Arlington; The fires are lurid on the haunted hill Where Lyon's lordly name brings tears and terrors still. How sank the right! how treason flushed and vaunted! We had no country and the slave no hope! Where slept the sword that in the erst could cope With grander tyrannies, whose banners flaunted Over the empires where its chieftains led? A deep reply came up from Hilton Head; From stormy Hatteras the answer broke
received. Samuel Jones, Major-General. General Bragg's report. To General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General: The garrison at this place surrendered last night without our firing a gun. We got four thousand (4000) prisoners, four thousand (4000) small arms, pieces of artillery and munitions in large quantities. Braxton Bragg. Doc. 122.-battle of Antietam, Md. further reports of this battle will be found in the Supplement. Despatch from General Hooker. Centreville, Md., Wednesday, September 17. A great battle has been fought and we are victorious. I had the honor to open it yesterday afternoon, and it continued until ten o'clock this morning, when I was wounded, and compelled to quit the field. The battle was fought with great violence on both sides. The carnage has been awful. I only regret that I was not permitted to take part in the operations until they were concluded, for I had counted on either capturing their army or driving them int
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